Saturday, February 23, 2013

My Spot

me today

    I think this caption is a true reflection of me the past couple of weeks.  I'm in my favorite place to be and eating everything within reach.  Do you have a favorite chair or an area just to call 'your space'?  It is comforting to be there and can conform to your body's needs like a glove.
    Now we do have to be on guard of becoming a couch potato.  'You don't have to move fast but you do have to move.'  A big risk of the flu is the development of pneumonia due to inactivity.  Pushing yourself within reason can benefit you as much as rest will.  It's a balancing act.
    As I miss out on the fun activities of this weekend, I will focus on the joys of my still moments.  I'm eating like a fat queen, I'm comfortable, I'm not in pain, I'm content with my circumstances, I've got my bed buddy [Tiger] by my side, and I have hope that this too shall pass


  1. I think I could be twins with that squirrel except that I don't like raw corn... HOpe you feel better soon!

  2. Hope you get better soon, I miss going out to eat with you.
    I know somebody else is getting our table at Whole Hog.

  3. Angie, your attitude about life and your words of encouragement keep me going sometimes. They are like a breath of fresh air. My prayers for a speedy recovery. I miss you and need to see your smiling face somewhere besides this blog post!

  4. Glad that you're feeling better and that you can be in a nice favorite spot to enjoy your weekend.
    Thanks for praying for me. I'm praying for you too!

  5. Angie, I am moving enough for both of us as I sneeze my way through the last couple of days. So glad you are on the mend. Love you. Aunt Robbie

  6. Hope you are feeling better and out on the town again soon.
    debra d.

  7. Glad you're feeling well enough to eat! Keep getting better Angie! By the way, the squirrel in your picture looks a lot more comfy than the one that eats out of our bird feeder....Our squirrel can't be couch potato because he has to keep pulling himself up (he feeds upside down and keeps sliding down the bird feeder-really funny to watch).


  8. This too shall pass.....and probably has passed by now. At least, I hope so. James and I have been going to the gym faithfully for the past month (they say it takes 30 days to form a habit....I hope we are there), so our couch potato-ism has gotten some better. However, after going to two hospitals last night to visit friends there, and being out in that cold wind, I could think of no better place than being in my pj's in my spot on my couch! Could not wait to get there....there truly is no place like home, and I am so very thankful for my humble abode. Love you, T.
