Monday, December 24, 2012



    'God owes us nothing but gives us everything.'  This is the season for giving all because God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son.  The greatest gift ever that redeems us and conquers the grave.  He loved and thought of us first.
    Anne Frank said 'no one has ever become poor by giving.'  That is so true because giving has such a boomerang effect that you can't help but to be hit by a blessing.  Whatever we give, monetary or time, it is the thoughtfulness that makes it worthy at all.
    My new helper has the thoughtfulness of giving little things down pat.  I'll give you one example of a little thing that counts for so much more.  The bedroom/bathroom where I take a shower is 'the' coldest room in the house.  Even with space heaters, I think it could snow in there at times.  Well if you think stepping into a shower is cold then try sitting on an ice block of a chair.  Yes, it's a shock to the system.  Well without even being asked, she runs hot water over the chair.  So now it's like sitting on a heating pad.  A little thought meant alot to my comfort.  Priceless.
     The best things in life really are free.  It may take some thought and effort but they are there in you for the giving. 'The measure of your life will not be in what you accumulate but in what you give away.'
     2 Corinthians 9;11  'You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.'