Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Not Lonely

it doesn't mean i'm lonely when i'm alone..

    I am a people person but that doesn't mean I dislike being alone at times.  We should all learn to handle being by ourselves and we will then be even better when around others.  I can feel more alone in a crowded room than an empty house.
    A lot of people feel the need to have some sort of distraction present to fill the silence of a room, like constant tv or music.  I think that can be a negative thing.  Are you ever alone with your thoughts?  Can you hear God's whispers above the noise?  Some people sleep with earplugs to get a good night's rest but sometimes we should try a daytime pair to block out the world.  
    Only when we are happy with ourselves can we make others happy.  I encourage you to 'be still' and get to know yourself and your thoughts in some quiet time.  God is with us, so we're never really alone.


  1. I agree, being alone doesn't mean being lonely.
    I don't like music on the radio in the background it is just noise, when I am driving or doing something alone it gives me time to think, pray or plan. I don't like someone talking all the time either, makes me think they are insecure, now if you have a fishing story that different. Dad

  2. I love this, Angie! And going right along with your dad's comment, I think that sometimes the many distractions of the world, as well as the distraction of the crowd, drowns out the beauty of God speaking to us through His still small voice, which may be wrapped up in the beauty around us--or in the conviction of our souls. Quiet and alone time is not a bad thing.

  3. This is a REALLY good post Angie, thanks so much! Hope you are feeling much better, Jana

  4. Still praying for you this morning.. My radio in my pickup doesn't work so that probably works to my benefit. there's a lot to be said for silence. Have a great day. joel

  5. Love being alone at times....though really not alone, as we know. As Josh Turner would say....just "Me and God". Love having no distractions like the tv, radio, computer, dishwasher, washing machine or dryer....just "being". All those things are not bad at times (depending on how you use them, of course) but neither is silence. Thank you for a great post, Angie. Love you, T.

  6. I love the thought of "daytime earplugs". I really like down time, being alone and struggle with a lot of noise at times. My guys are the opposite so I have room to grow! And they have incentive at times to bend to my will ;) (If Mamma ain't happy...)
