Saturday, August 11, 2012


C. S. Lewis

     So my dad and I went to see 'The Bourne Legacy' movie today.  I don't know about you but the smell of movie popcorn to me is like a drug.  It smells soooooo good and yet I know it's a sure fire road to coughing for me.  So I try to get out of the intoxicating concession lobby as quick as I can.  I take my air machine with me now to movies and it's a good thing.  The only drawback is that it concentrates the room air into my mask so if I sit next to someone with popcorn, that is all I can think about.  Luckily, no body today was near with popcorn.
     We are each tempted by different things but if it is going to harm you physically or spiritually, AVOID IT.
'Lead me not into temptation.'


  1. Thanks for taking an ole guy to the movies, I did notice the popcorn but passed on the temptation since you could not share a bucket with me. Dad

  2. Please tell me chocolate doesn't count... :)

  3. mmm.......buttery popcorn! I thank the Lord that He made provision for us: "No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it."1 Corinthians 10:13

  4. Angie, you have such a way of applying scripture to life events. I love the smell of that movie popcorn too and have to resist it for different reasons....cost and caleries! The good thing is that we can resist it. The key would be to resist in all areas of temptation that are not for God's glory. I have not always in the past, and probably will not always in the future, but I am trying. Thank you for reminding us the importance of staying the course. Love you, my friend....T. P.S. Your dad is a thoughtful guy!
