Sunday, March 18, 2012


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     I thought this caption was so true.  The world and its needs from us are often demanding.  Everything is needed  'Now. Right now.'
     I watched a movie last night, where the woman was juggling her life but just couldn't keep from dropping a few balls.  We must prioritize the things in our lives on the basis of importance.  We must separate the breakable balls from the ones that will bounce back, even if we drop them. 
     'If it's important to you, you'll find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse.'  I know of friends who say they can't go to church because of a medical condition but they can go to all other out-of-the-house functions.  Hmm?  Priorities?

“The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.”


  1. Very good blog, when we fill our lives with a lot of little things, we don't have time for the important things. Dad

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. There's a wonderful old tract called, "The Tyranny of the Urgent." We often let the urgent things--many times the everyday things that can wait--crowd out the things that are truly important in life, such a visiting a friend or spending time in God's Word, or taking a grandchild somewhere special that he wants to go. We only live once on this earth. If only we could divide the urgent from the important and do first things first. Good post, Angie.

  3. Just as I clicked on your blog site, I said to myself, "I have got to get up from this computer and get busy doing something really productive." Then, there you were, as you so often are....hitting me right where it hurts (LOL) and most of all, where I need to be hit!! I have also heard people make excuses for not serving or going to a church function, but I do know that if we want to do it badly enough, we will make the time and effort to do it. The same is true for just about everything we choose to do in our lives....just depends on what one REALLY wants to do. Such a good word, as always, Angie...and now I have TRULY got to get up from here and do something you, T.

  4. Very good. Being a bit OCD, I feel like everything has to be done RIGHT NOW!!! It's hard to figure out what is priority and what can wait sometimes. You could pray about that for me.
