Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Weirdo Removed

     Today I went to the dermatologist and had a mole removed. The biopsy of it on my first visit came back as 'atypical cells.' So I was referred to a skin cancer specialist. He said today, it wasn't melanoma but just a weird mole that needed removed. They took a 3'' size football off of my abdomen. Dave Sanders called it a 'tummy tuck'...lol.  So far its been no big deal and painless.
     This was a very minor trial, if I'd even call it that. I've copied some truths from intouch.org to help you deal with the trials you face and how to respond. 

1. God is in full control of the timing and intensity of your trial and will not allow it to go beyond His boundaries.
2. He has a specific purpose for your suffering which you may not understand until it is over.
3. This trial will prove to be profitable if you submit to God and trust Him through it.
4. Trying situations are opportunities for faith to prove genuine and grow stronger.
5. When you endure extreme pressure with unexplainable peace and joy, the Lord will demonstrate His sustaining power to a watching world.
6. Your difficulties are used by the Father to produce Christ-like character.
7. God will walk with you through all trials.
8. The Holy Spirit will enable you not only to survive but also to come out a conqueror.


  1. Such good advice, Angie. I wasn't sure what you had done when I saw it on FB....did not realize it was moles. I had two or three removed off my back a couple of years ago and they left the same large areas to heal with several stitches in each....but like you, very little pain and I was so thankful they were not melanoma. Now, I am just kidding about the tummy tuck....although after last week's eating spree while on vacation, I probably need one....guess I will just eat salad and water instead....love you, Twylia

  2. All I can say to this post, Angie, is thanks, I needed that! I'm going to copy those 8 statements and put them on the refrigerator. 3 hearts to you, my dear Angie.

  3. Hi Angie. Gloria from Under Her Wings referred to you in her post this morning. Such a good list. God has promised that ALL things work together for our good, for those who are called, according to HIS purpose. What a comfort to the believer! If I had room on my refrigerator, I'd put your list on mine too. But mine is full of family photos. :-)
