Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Prove It To Myself

     Don't you find that things are easier to accept if you believe in its purpose? I've worn leg braces since I was 6yrs old. During the summer between 7th and 8th grade, I decided I didn't need them anymore. We are all geniuses as teenagers, right? ha.  All I needed were my blue Nike tennis shoes. It seemed to be a success around home until I went to band camp at Henderson State University. That required more walking than I ever imagined. I wasn't going to give in, I had something to prove to the doctor, my parents and myself. As the week was coming to an end, I fell and sprained my ankle. That was enough to show me that my braces were for my own good and protection. I'm grateful a sprain, not a break, was all it took.
     If you believe that everything has a purpose and is for your benefit, you will be able to accept and handle anything. Proverbs 19:21  'Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.' 

1 comment:

  1. Angie, your blog today reminds me of James' prayer last week. When we were praying one morning before riding, he thanked God for all the good things AND for all the bad things that we had encountered along our way....and there were a few bad things, or challenges. The road was not always a smooth one. The "bumps" along the way just made us that much more dependent on God to guide us and lead us safely to our next destination. We knew He was with us at all times, and we gave Him all the glory. When He delivered us through those rough times, we would stop to praise Him for His goodness! We knew we could not have made it without Him. I hope I can remember that in every circumstance, and not just in the ones that are a little bit out of the ordinary for me. Thank you so much for your wise words! Love you, Twylia
