Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Letting Go


     When you are made aware of a train track, you know a train is coming but you aren't exactly sure of when.  That is how I have felt about my disease my whole life.  There would be a time where I didn't give up, but things would be more out of my control.  Really, God's always been in control!  He just gave me strength for a limited time and a little less than others.  I now have more time to focus on His will for me, rather than my own.  This blog is really about accepting God's will for you and not resisting hard against what you've been chosen for.

As TobyMac sings about 'The Promised Land'...

"I won’t give up on this race
Broken but I still have faith
That this old life is all part of a plan
And I can feel it in my soul, one day I’ll stand before the throne
With nothing left but hope in these 2 hands"

Some people might say 'let go and let God' but the Bible contradicts that laid back kind of thinking. The Christian life is a spiritual battle which the Bible exhorts us to prepare for and wage diligently.  Letting go, in the sense of sitting back and watching events unfold is not biblical.

2 Timothy 2:3 "Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus."

1 Timothy 6:12 " Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold ofl the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.

We must understand that whatever it is that we do, it is by the power of God and not of ourselves. John 15:5 says "that apart from Me you can do nothing." The truth is that working at “letting go” is just as much as an effort-filled work as anything else we try to do for God and not nearly as easy to do as some things. [gotquestions.org]

"Suffering in its simplest form comes in the space between what we thought would be and what is. Life defines us, but suffering redfines us. Ultimately, hope refines us, transforming us from within in ways we could never imagine. We can gain precious wisdom and deeper appreciation for the iives we've ben given as we learn to suffer well--not as victims, but as overcomers.
Some of us have physical wheelchairs, but we all have invisible wheelchairs inside us. None of us can do life by ourselves. We need God, and we need each other." [Suffer Strong]

As for myself, I'm meant to be here now as an example, rather than as a doer. That doesn't mean I do nothing, I just do thru the help of others. I was chosen to suffer in this life, but God has promised crowns of great reward in my near future. I trust the next chapter of my life, because I know the author.


  1. Oh Angie, we ALL need this message. We need the example of those whose steps we have never walked in, whose lives we can never emulate, but whose blueprint we can follow. As we know that the Scriptures give us our Lord Jesus and many from the past, I am so very thankful for the few whom He has placed in my life to give me encouragement to hide myself in Him, even as I go about life as He has called me. Thank you for your beautiful testimony. I love you, dear friend.

  2. Such good, good words Angie!! Thanks so much for this reminder!

  3. Rhonda Freeman Bailey
    This touches everyone who reads it, Angie. We all need to hear it. You have inspired me since the day I met you. You amaze me and I am so thankful to be your friend. ��

  4. Debra Atkins Stutts
    I needed it too! I love your mature, godly outlook. I want to be like you when I grow up��

  5. Vera Story Blevins
    I needed that! I try to tell God what He needs to do in my life. I call it prayer. Maybe I should be more accepting of what He is doing in my life. Thanks friend!

  6. Jennifer Boeckmann Peacock
    Beautifully said and I needed to hear that. Love you Angie!

  7. Jason-Melissa McPherson
    Beautifully written. You are such an inspiration. I have always looked up to you! You are so smart and now so wise❤

  8. What faith you have, to accept the life you have been given and to know the Jesus as you do. Surely, He will reward you with all the jewels and crowns you can carry, as you are an outstanding example of His child. Love You ....Dad

  9. Angie,
    Pastor Roy said we all have our disabilities, some you can see and others you can’t. I loved your way of saying this.
    Love your fighting spirit!

  10. Angie, I have read this 3 or 4 times now; it has such wisdom and depth to it. I am in awe of how well you stated all of these truths and it is encouragement and wisdom that everyone can gain from. This is one of your "doings" through God's help, I have no doubt.
