Monday, September 27, 2021

The Animals In Our Lives

 Proverbs 12:10

The righteous care for the needs of their animals, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel.

         I thank God everyday for the animals He has put in my life.  Each one of them have been a special blessing in their own way.  They all have their own personality and express themselves differently.  There were only a few short years that I didn't have an animal in my care.  M. Henry says, "The animals that are under our care must be provided for, must have convenient food and rest, must in no case be abused."  Yes, every animal should be taken care of, just like we would want to be.  God's command to "Love one another" includes the animals that are in our lives.  "A godly person is always kind, and that kindness extends to the animals under his care. The righteous person cares about all life, including animal life." []
        "God cares greatly for the animals He has created. Those who seek to follow His ways will also care about His creation, including animal life. Animal cruelty, the neglect of pets, and the wanton destruction of a species are sin. Christians are called to care for animals, expressing the same attitude toward animal life as our Creator has."  []
        When I was in my teens, I couldn't do most of the jobs that my friends had.  I wanted a job tho, that was within my capabilities.  So, one Christmas I got a female golden retriever, that I named Wendy.  Wendy turned out to be a wonderful mother, so much so that she took care of another one of our dog's pups.  My dad took care of a lot of the physical labor in raising my pups, like filling the feeders and water bowls and taking them to the vet for shots.  I gave Wendy and her pups all the love they needed.  It's hard to let go of the pups when they are old enough, but they filled new homes with fun, excitement and love.  God's creatures are an example of His creativity, blessings, and bundles of love.

1 comment:

  1. I love how you love your pets, and how they love you. There truly is no friend more loyal than a dog. What a different but sweet and exhorting blog, Angie, and one written from the heart of a true animal lover. Thank you for this perspective.
