Monday, August 24, 2020

2 Questions To Ponder

         I have started a bible study by Lysa Terkeurst called "It's Not Supposed To Be This Way"..finding unexpected strength when disappointments leave you shattered.  I don't know what you are dealing with in life right now, but there has never been a bible study that has screamed at me like this before.  Now, I have only just begun and finished Session 1.  I want to share with you two questions that God asked Eve and Adam.

     "Where are you?"
        This is the first question asked by God in the bible.  This wasn't a question about physical location but of spiritual oneness with Him.  God is reminding them that by their sin, they are the ones that walked away, but He is still there.  "Where is your orientation, as it relates to Me" is what God is asking them.  God wants us to come to Him, because he has what we need in every situation and circumstance.  
       "The question was for their benefit. God was essentially asking, “You disobeyed me; how is that working out for you? Did things turn out like you wanted or how I predicted?” The question also shows the heart of God, which is the heart of a shepherd seeking out the lost lambs in order to bring them into the fold. Jesus would later come “to seek and to save the lost” "  []
        So, how does this question relate to us?  We often feel lost, broken and without help but our feelings aren't our truths.  Feelings come and go, they change with the circumstance that we are in for the moment.  God says "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."   We need reminded that the world will disappoint and walk away, but God is faithful, ever present with us and will never forsake us.

     "Who told you that you were naked?"
        Who told you that in your naked form, you were anything less than the beautiful creation that God made you to be?  Who is throwing accusations at you that would cause you to feel guilt and shame and want to hide from God?  The serpent coaxed them into thinking they weren't good enough and with one simple act, they could be like God, but instead the seed of sin was planted and in an instant they gave up their God nature, falling from grace and corrupting their very souls and the souls of all who followed them.  The enemy's words are powerful and meant to hurt us, mislead us, and ultimately destroy us.  BUT, God's words are more powerful and are meant to build us up, encourage us, defend us, protect us, and ultimately give us hope and life.
      So, how does this question relate to us?  Satan tells us the lie, "You are not good enough, God is holding back from you, you are missing out on life, you could have more!”   "Giving attention to these types of questions keep us from trusting God as the source for all that we need: peace, joy, contentment, abundance, and more. Because we believe that we are naked, flawed, empty, lacking, or whatever the case may be, we are tempted again and again to eat the forbidden fruit that’s only purpose is to move us further from our creator and to seek after the creation/illusion instead of the creator." []

       As for myself, I have been challenged by these two questions and the thoughts that were provoked within me.  "Where am I?"  I have to ask myself, 'who moved', when God feels far away.  When I get back to my devotions and bible verses, its always what I needed to hear.   "Who told you that you were naked?"  When I am sick or down in my spirits, its easy to see everyone else as having and living the good life.  I can entertain the lie of not having enough or that I'm not favored by God but the cure for that is to count my innumerable blessings.  Satan's lies are always crushed by God's truths, promises and blessings.  Count on God always more than His creations and you won't be disappointed.


  1. Wow! Sounds like the study will be profound. Thanks for reminding us that God not only has the right questions, but also the right answers to the questions in His Word.

  2. Debra S.
    Thank you for sending this Angie. I reread it just now and it helped me. Kind of had the blahs the last couple of days.

  3. This is so, so good Angie!! Thank you!!!

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