Saturday, June 14, 2014

Cut Back

Snoopy's advice for today.

         You might have noticed that I haven't blogged as much lately.  I guess I've been trying to live more of a life worthy of the gospel, rather than just writing about it.  This is my time of the year, weather-wise, so I am out and about more using the strength God gives me.  I do think my pictures can say more than I can about my joy, strength, comfort and all the other ways God provides for me daily.  I do have to manage my time of play/shopping/outdoors with adequate rest so writing my blog may not always make the to-do list every day.
        Here are some pictures from the vintage market that my dad and I went to today.....


  1. It was a beautiful day! Praise God you were able to get out an enjoy it!!!
    jessica b.

  2. Thanks for letting me be a part of your day. Dad

  3. I'm glad that you can go out and have a good time. Thank you for sharing these nice pictures with us.

  4. You are so wise in your understanding of life. I love you, grace
