Wednesday, April 9, 2014


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

              So I've wanted to go to Kohls this week and it's been a challenge to get there.  Yesterday, it started hailing as we were in route to get there, so we turned around and went back home.  Today, we loaded up to go and the battery on my van was dead.  After some help from the jumper cables and my dad, we did make it to Kohls but the battery was dead again.  We are now in the process of getting a new battery.
             This minor obstacle was truly a blessing with God's timing and protection wrapped up in it.  We have plans for every day after today that included the use of the van.  We are all thankful for the obstacle to be close to home and easily fixable.
             We also had a desire for snowcones today.  We thought all would be okay as long as we kept the van running.  Well apparently the battery was running lower than we expected.  While Karla was in line getting our snowcones, my air machine, that runs off the battery, shut off.  It is one of my worst fears to have the mask on and no air.  I panicked but then it came back on...whew.  I got Karla's attention, we switched machines and we got our snowcones.  Hey, we came for snowcones and we weren't leaving without them.. ha.


  1. I bet that was scary! Glad you are okay! And that you persevered... When it comes to food, I tend to persevere too ;) We are all sisters!

  2. Hey, Snow cones are worth fighting for. Air is also good. God's timing is always perfect, what if the battery went bad while you were on a trip as you had planned for the rest of the week. God is good, all the time. Dad

  3. If anyone has tenacity, you do! I'm sorry your venture was scary, but thank God for His timing and His mercy.

  4. Well if those were banana flavored they were definitely worth fighting for! Mmm, my favorite! The lord was watching over yall angie
    susan f.

  5. That's what I call 'determination' in spite of difficulties. grace

  6. So glad your air came back well as the battery! God always knows what we need most....whether it is air or snow cones. He took care of both! So thankful. And now you are prepared for your trip with a good battery! His timing is always perfect. Love you, sweet friend...T.

  7. I was looking at the blog titled obstacles about the snow cones and your air machine. some of the comments got me laughing so hard-god knows what we need most -snow cones or air! I really believe God gas a sense of humor in many situations. Thanks again for your experiences! Susan

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