Thursday, June 20, 2013

Sunny Weather

    Tomorrow is the beginning of Summer 2013.  Woohoo!  Summer is the best time of the year for me.    I feel like I catch a break from colds and viruses during the summer, so yes I love summertime.  I can bear with the heat but it's the humidity that gets to me.  It's all good though because I can escape into the blessing of air conditioning... not all are so blessed.
    Whatever your favorite season is you can be assured God reigns through them all.  The showers of blessings may be different but they are always present.  May the Son shine brightly through you as strong as you feel the sun shining on you today.


  1. Great Caption, and welcome to summertime in Arkansas Temperature at 95 degrees and humidity at 95%, kan't get any better than that. Dad

  2. The great old preacher (now in glory) Vance Havnor, once said, "Whether the weather be cold or whether the weather be hot; whether the weather be wet, or whether the weather be not; we'll weather the weather whatever the weather, whether we like it or not! Happy summer, Angie!

  3. Love me some summertime! So thankful that God is on His throne all the time.

  4. summer is mine also, maybe spring. fall is depressing because of shorter days and I hate cold and wearing shoes and it means I have to endure winter but look forward to spring! that about covers it. The Son is in every season, right?
    nancy h.

  5. The Lord reigns and the Son shines! Thank you, Jesus! Happy summertime, Angie...stay cool. Love you, T.
