Wednesday, February 27, 2013

It's a God Thing

     Today is my friend's birthday, David Nosek.  When I moved back here, he was one of a couple of people that took me under their wing to make my transition smoother.  Our first outing was a Natalie Merchant concert.  It was fun to go with someone who enjoyed her music as much as I did.  We've also enjoyed movies, hockey games, new restaurants and shopping in Memphis excursions.  Friends are ones that even tho you may see them less, you know they're there and can be counted on no less.
     'It's a God thing' that David took the time and effort back then for me when I needed it most.  Showing God's love to others in whatever way you can is a great way to serve as a Christian.  Don't expect it to always be easy and problem free either.  David and I have unspoken of stories that shall remain that way but what's important is the friendship that's stayed intact through it all.
     Happy Birthday David.  I know God brings people into our lives with a purpose that He wants fulfilled.  Thanks for stepping up to the plate.


  1. Tears!!! Life is all about bringing Glory to God and helping others. We did have some wonderful times. Roads trips for hockey and Hillsong too. I'm hoping we get to make the trip I made two weeks ago and go to LP Field this time to see your favorite American football team. I know how to get there after watching my favorite women play soccer. Thank you for being one of my very favorite sisters in Christ. So happy that Charlene did what she did on Saturday. I know she wanted to see Gracia Burnham. I told Gracia about Charlene's trip. Gracia knew who Nard is. That Gracia Burnham is a precious sister in Christ too. As someone who is Solo,I am really blessed to be surrounding by some awesome sisters in Christ. I know my mother's example prepared me to really value them. When they are in Sam's,the darkness of that place brightens up big time. Thanks again,you made my day!!!

  2. I am thankful too for David being such a good friend to you; especially when you first moved back here and was trying to adjust to giving up so much in Missouri. I know David and Charlene both helped immensely in that transition.

  3. I, too, am thankful for David, for Charlene, and for all the people that surround you. What a blessing to have people like him in your life who not only give you joy but receive the joy of being your dedicated friend. God is gracious to give us all our needs, even down to relationships. And happy belated birthday to David!

  4. I want to "like" David's post! What a great example he had of being a friend in his sweet and loving mother. Aren't we all so thankful that God causes those wonderful peoples' paths to cross ours?! I will be forever thankful that yours crossed mine. Happy belated birthday to David, and blessings all around!! Love you, Angie....T.
