Tuesday, December 25, 2012


this says it all for all of us

     I hope that whether you're reading this on Christmas day or days later, that you had a wonderful day celebrating the birth of Jesus.
    What makes His birth different? He was born of a virgin birth. He was sent as a sacrifice to save the world from our sins.  He is God in the flesh, who bore our burdens just like we do but without sin.  He has the name above all names.  He came to show us the power of God thru miracles.  He conquered the grave thru His resurrection.
    Christmas is about Christ.  Each of us is an Innkeeper who decides if there is room for Jesus. May your hearts and minds be open and consumed with His presence all year long.


  1. Great post, Angie! Merry CHRISTmas to you and your family! I will get back to being a faithful blog reader soon!! Love you, T.

  2. The simplicity of the Gospel - you've captured it. At a time when I feel the truth is being so diluted, I'm thankful you are putting it out there straight and true.

  3. Beautiful Angie
    Did you think of that? each of us is an innkeeper...?
    nancy h

  4. May we NEVER take CHRIST out of CHRISTmas! He is, indeed, the reason for the season. Love your blog today. Love you too, T.
