Monday, August 6, 2012



     Okay, I know I'm not the only one who can relate to this caption. I've witnessed some of people's  inflexibility at times. I want things around here to go back to 'normal.'  Adjusting to a new normal is not an easy or welcomed idea.  We all have our own ideas of what normal is in our own lives and that routine is our comfort zone.
    We have things in our lives, like a car breakdown or a change in our jobs, that force us to change course whether we like it or not.  My friend the other day said  'as I've gotten older, I've learned to be flexible.'  I think that's the right attitude.. consider others besides yourself.  Sure you could have done things differently or maybe even better but you are not an island.  There are always factors to be considered beyond our own desires.
    Even God knows the way He wants things to be, He gives us the choice to choose Him rather than us being robots.  Freewill is God's way of being flexible, I think.  It is the inflexibility of our hearts and minds that keeps us from taking that leap of faith.


  1. Sometimes being flexible means giving up those things that we so love and enjoy. That's not easy, but in God's economy, we may as well be prepared!

    I noticed you have a new follower. Smart gal she is!

  2. Oh no!! Have you been following me around? I am probably one of the most inflexible people you will ever know. I so dislike that about myself, because some of the best times of my life have come at an "unplanned time". I probably was not the one who said, "I was getting better at being flexible as I get older"....but maybe, just a little! On the other hand, I have a daughter who is very flexible. How did that happen? I asked her that one time, and she said to me, "Well, mom....I have four children....AND I married a Godbee"....enough said. (I must say I am a little jealous of Gloria in that respect.) Then I probably would not have to be taking medication for high blood pressure. I'm trying, girlfriend, I am really trying. Love you, T.

  3. Flexible????? Not so much. Dad

  4. Good insight angie!
    It was nice to see you yesterday at Faith.

  5. Interesting- Freewill is God's way of beiing flexible? I'll have to think about that. Have a great day! Joel
