Sunday, July 29, 2012

Wake Up To


     Does this look familiar?  This totally makes me think of two friends of mine, you know who you are, lol.  Our bark can be worse than a bite if we don't get what we need to start the day.  For some it may be coffee, or exercise, or a hot shower.
     A good start to your day is quiet time with the Lord.  Begin with thanking Him for another day of life.  Be grateful you could get out of bed on your own.  Recognize the day as another opportunity to glorify Him.
    Yes, you can do this with a cup of coffee in one hand and your Daily Bread in the other.


  1. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Mom and Dad?????????? Dad

  2. Can take or leave the coffee (although I do like it)....but NEED that daily bread!! Love your second paragraph. Such words of wisdom, as usual. Your blog is also like a piece of my daily bread. You and your posts mean so much to me....thank you for your dedication and continued diligence to serve Him in such a special and meaningful way. You are a wonderful BLESSING to so many of us. Love you dearly, T.

  3. Thankfully I love to wake up early in the mornings, and because of that (considering the number of people in my household) I can have my daily devotions pretty easily. But, with you, I encourage everyone to find a time sometime during the day when they can spend time alone with the Lord. I have a friend, who when her children were small, would get up in the middle of the night and have her devotions, then go back to bed. Now that is commitment! Thanks for the reminder, Angie.

  4. I am not a morning person so I try to work on my memory verses at stoplights, etc It helps a lot b/c my prayers are literally off the page until I can get my brain up and running... :)
