Wednesday, October 5, 2011


     Have you seen or heard of the new campaign sign on city buses called  'Are you good without God?'  It's a slogan from an atheist group. Let's break it down. First, 'Are you good?'  NO. The bible clearly states that no one is even close to being good. Mark 10:18 (NIV) “Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone.  Secondly, 'without God?'  Your pure existence is dependent on God. You can choose to deny Him but you're not self sufficient by any means. So to even ask, 'are you good without God?' is wasted breath. You are nothing without God. He supplies your every need, every day. Luke 11:3 (NIV)  'Give us each day our daily bread.' Thank Him for all the goodness in your life, despite how bad we really are.

Phil 1;6  ''that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.''


  1. it's odd that they had to spend tons of money to try to prove a negative - that God doesn't exist. YOur response is good. Wish it could be posted on buses as well...=/

  2. Angie, your posts just keep getting better and better. Few words and profound impact. I love this!
