Thursday, August 25, 2011

Easy Paths

“My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness” (2 Cor. 12:9).

     I think there are a lot of people in today's world looking for a free ride. They want things given to them on a silver platter. The idea of working hard and not giving up till you get the job or whatever it is you want is becoming an 'old school' idea. I hear of young adults giving up or being depressed because life isn't as easy as they thought. Welcome to real life, my friend. Success is achieved, not given out. When you earn it, you'll appreciate it more.
     God will give you the grace and His strength if you trust in Him and His plan for you. Self-reliance is a recipe for failure. Go out there and achieve your goals...even when its not easy.

I do not ask for easy paths
Along life’s winding roads,
But for the promised grace and strength
To carry all its loads. —Meadows


  1. from twylia...
    'God did not promise us an easy life.. He promised us help to live it'

  2. this totally goes with this blog..thanks twylia

  3. If anyone can write that post, you can, my precious friend.
