We are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God. Therefore, we all have our faults. Some may think my biggest fault lies within my mouth. Yes, some days my biggest accomplishment is keeping my mouth shut. I realize tho that I'm only responsible for what I say, not for what people hear or interpret.
The good news is that no matter what our faults are, no one is denied the call of the gospel. John 3;16 says 'whoever believes in Me shall not perish but have eternal life.' Whoever includes everyone, not who you think deserves it. There are no fault exclusions because God knows we would all be excluded without Jesus as our sin debt reliever. He doesn't love us any less because of our faults but He redeems us in spite of them.
Just as I don't drive my scooter without regard to who is in my path, we must think of others in our lives too. Look past the faults and see the heart of others, then you'll see the true treasure of someone.
I really liked the last line "Look past the faults and see the heart of others, then you'll see the true treasure of someone".
ReplyDeleteThis is difficult for me to do some people are just "stupid" and/or lazy, I can't deal with that, and that is my fault. Angie I know you can see past a lot more than I can, good for you. Love you, Dad
Oh, the treasure of God's sovereignty! How blessed we, His chosen, are! Sinners still, but with the capacity to confess and forsake our sins, to look to the Father of those He has chosen to call His own, and to press on to know Him. There is no greater calling. And what a privilege to be able to return to His Word over and over as a "lamp to our feet and a light to our path."
ReplyDeleteI can so relate to your Dad. I have a hard time overlooking the "faults" of others, while yet I KNOW how many I have and that others must overlook in me. I must always remember that God made none of us perfect, no not one! Not even me! I often say things I wish I could take back, but that can't be done. I pray to be more loving and kind, and certainly more accepting of those who are "same (or not) kind of different as me"! Another convicting post, Angie...and one God knew I needed. Love your last line, too!! Thank you...love you, T. However, on another note, I met a lady a few years ago and when I did, I thought, "we are so NOT on the same wavelength, we will never be close friends". Over these few years, I have spent time with her, gotten to know her better, and though we still "agree to disagree", she is one of my most treasured friends...and one who is always there in my time of need. God is good!
ReplyDeleteSo true. How often do we want to discount someone because they don't fit a certain image we have. But, like I tell my children, it is what is on the inside that counts. So thankful the Lord loves me even with all my flaws. Oh, and what comes out of your mouth is so many, many times a blessing to me!