I could write all day warning others about what to avoid doing during your life, but as most of us who are older know, somethings you have to learn for yourself. Just as a little kid is told 'Don't touch that', we have to feel it for ourselves. Experience is often not a one time lesson, even when it should be. We often say 'Ill never do that again' and yet find ourselves in the same boat.
One of life's greatest experiences is the love of God in our personal lives. Do you learn from it and pass it on? Do you dismiss it with a sense of entitlement?
Whether good or bad, God allows our experiences to happen in order to draw us closer to Him. It is said that through the trials we endure, we will become better or bitter. Experiences are part of the Potter molding us, the clay, into what He wants us to be. Learn from your mistakes because they are the experiences meant to teach you and keep you on the right path.