'Jesus came to serve, not to be served.' I can think of no better example of this than that by my friend, Charlene. All year long and not just to me, she is 'be the church' in whatever way possible. Even when it's boring and not fun like today, she will be there for you. She cares for family members that depend on her because no one else will. She is a true servant of good to others and I'm blessed by her.
1 Peter 4:10 'Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.'
'It seems that Biblically speaking, retirement isn’t a time to rest on your laurels, but instead it’s a time to serve those around us: Did you know that God told the Levites to retire from their regular duties at age 50? (Num. 8:24-25). But He did not want them to stop helping others. He said that they should minister with their brethren… to attend to needs(v.26). We cannot take this incident as a complete teaching on retirement, but we can see a godly implication that continuing to serve others after our working days are over is a good idea.' [odb.org]