Thursday, November 14, 2013


Photo: It was, really!

    Yes, you can make an excuse to get out of anything, but is it legit?  We think if we make an excuse to get out of a problem then the problem goes away...wrong.  We've only deflected the problem to someone else. 'When someone truly cares, they make an effort not an excuse.'
    Why do we make excuses?  I think it's because our heart just isn't in it.  I think excuses work exponentially, we come up with one then another and another.  We talk ourselves out of doing things much easier than why we should do them.  It is our selfish self that prevails at the crossroad all too often.
    Worldly desires are often why people make excuses to surrendering their lives to God.  The focus is on what is seen rather than the unseen, which is Biblically backwards.  Someday may never come for some, but today just never seems right either.  When is the time going to be right?  There is no time like the present and we are not promised tomorrow.