And so I did! Today was a jackpot day of good deals at JCPenney's and Kohls. As my dad said, the best part was that I was able to be out, breathe good and enjoy the shopping myself. Maybe being cooped up for 16 days led me to go a little crazy but I bought for others too.
Also today my goodie box came in the mail. If you don't know about this program, it's 7/month for a box of food sample surprises. This was my first box to receive and I've been looking forward to its arrival. What was in the box? Coconut water, sour patch straws, pumpkin seeds, raspberry chipolte sauce, olive oil, white bean chips, and a guacamole coupon. Walmart is testing new items before stocking their shelves with these new items and ask for feedback on the samples. I think it's pretty cool.
Sure I like getting new stuff but it's not my treasure. What doesn't rot, will rust or burn or be eaten by enjoy it but don't store up treasures here on earth.