FBF Missionary Prayer Requests for December
Bobby and Namatha Avilez
1. Pray for the preparations for our Christmas Outreach on December 23rd. We usually have around 400 people. Pray that the Gospel Message will be presented clearly and boldly!
2. Pray that, whether it’s House of Hope staff or House of Hope children, the glory of God would be the motivation for whatever we do.
Phillip and Sandra Prime
1. Please continue to pray for Juan and Karina. They have been very faithful to all the church events. It seems that they are truly hungry for the Word. Pray for their salvation.
2. Please pray for the monthly hospital outreach. Many are attending and putting into practice what we are learning in our evangelistic class: The Way of the Master.
Bill and Treva Turpin-- Bethany Farm Camp and Retreat Center here in SW Iowa has several needs:
to finish siding and roofing the new boy's bunkhouse before the snow flies
Bible studies and 1 on 1 discipleship for our many new believers, both youth and adults
to begin a new Christ-centered Grief Share program here at Bethany
Ted and Priscilla Clark
We will be putting on our Christmas presentation at the camp for large crowds these two middle weekends in December. Please pray with us for many unsaved people, whose hearts the Lord has prepared, to attend the presentations.
Please continue to pray that the Lord would give great wisdom to the authorities in this country, who are trying to combat the violence. Pray for an increased ability in authorities at all levels to resist corruption, to be courageous, and to have a zeal for justice. Pray that the Lord would powerfully intervene to thwart and confuse and frustrate the plans of evil men. Pray for the Lord’s powerful protection upon us and other missionaries across the country.
Martin and Hansy Tuohy
1. More steady job situation come January. We'll need the extra income then and working as a sub trashman may not be enough.
2. Evangelistic efforts (passed out the movie "180" in the neighborhood, waiting for response)
Monica Sernatinger
Juanita. She is teaching three different evangelistic Bible studies to her relatives, and a bible study for young women to three teenage girls, and several young married women. Please pray for wisdom for her and perseverance from these precious ladies.
Coral, a divorced young mother of one, has gotten engaged to a non-believer. As a church, we have been encouraging her to leave this relationship. Please, pray for her repentance. Also, please pray for Luz and Chalio, that they would return to Christ. Lately they have been showing interest in Him.
Leslie Wolfe
It’s true that a new chief was appointed, but it’s believed that another elder is actually the one in charge and/or calling the shots. The 6 elders (who are all from the same clan) are divided (fractured would be a better word), and it’s interesting where the divide (fracture) comes --- 3 are ‘church people’ and 3 are animists. Two of the ‘church people’ are same ma/pa brothers and are united, and the 3 animists (who include the new chief and the one really in power) are together, and the odd man out, who is also a church person, is B.K., who says that he’s not taken up sides. Last week under the cover of darkness I was advised by a ‘son’ of mine (whose father is the supposed one in charge) to remember that I am a foreigner here (anyone living in the village who is not Glaro is a foreigner) and that as a foreigner and a woman I should keep my mouth shut (not that I’ve ever played a role in village decision making!!!). I was also told that the former chief, who died in September, had planned (boasted?) to oust me from the village when I returned. Well, he’s dead, and my ‘son’ told me that no one else among the elders is my ‘enemy’ and wants me to leave. So, it’s life as usual, kind of, here in the village! So…
1) Pray for me as I just go about my work on a daily basis; and as I’ve been reading in Psalms, trusting in and praising the Lord as I do, while living uprightly and doing good to all.
2) Pray that the division among the elders, who are all closely related and family, will be healed so that they will be reconciled and able to govern the village with wisdom and unity.