Revelation 14;13 ''Then I heard a voice from heaven say, “Write: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Yes,” says the Spirit, “they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them.”
My friend, Gloria, and I both attended our friend' sister's funeral this weekend. Gloria blogged on it yesterday and I didn't want to do a repeat of her blog. But, at bible study last night, this verse that was used at the funeral came up again. Then I saw this caption that went with it so well. So I'm going to share some of the message with you from the funeral in a lil different way than Gloria. I encourage you to read hers to at
4 Words of Encouragement
Rejoicing..... those that have committed their lives to the Lord and passed on are 'blessed..from now on.' You can be sure they are now happier than they've ever known possible. They are face to face with Jesus and can clearly see now.
Resting.......oh, doesn't it make you anxious for heaven to know you'll one day 'rest from your labours.' No more struggles, no more pain, no more heartache.
Rewarded..... this is what the caption above is explaining. Your life is teaching a lesson for generations to come. 'their deeds will follow them.' It was brought up last night, that the deeds of the unsaved, like Hitler, would be a scary thought to follow you.
Reunion.......we will miss our loved ones who have passed on, but it's only temporary for those who trusted in God's saving grace.
These are four bold statements that believers can not only be comforted by but look forward to. I hope that the lesson your life will leave will be worth sharing for all generations.