Hmm, I think we should all read this verse three times and really put some thought into it. Why? Because we've all been that fool at one time or another. 'I don't want to hear it, I've got my mind made up.' Ever thought or said those words?
'All men are subject to this disease, and the conflict between wisdom and the heart is the crux between a wise man and a fool, truth and lies, life and death. A fool does not want to listen; he wants to talk. He does not want instruction; he wants expression. He does not want to learn; he wants to teach. And his depraved heart will turn him away from truth and wisdom to take him down the path to hell, vainly talking about his ideas all the way.'
'Moral absolutes are gone; truth has vanished (Ps 12:1-2; Is 59:12-15; Hos 4:1-2). Situational ethics and personal preferences rule – do whatever you want; just be honest with your own heart; do not criticize others for their thoughts, because we are all entitled to our own opinions; learn to value your thoughts.' God has given us the Bible to guide us because our thoughts are not His. We cannot follow the ways of the world or the culture we live in. Jeremiah 17;9 ''The heart is more deceitful than all else And is desperately sick; Who can understand it?''
Pray more, think less. Test your thoughts against the Word and hopefully a clean heart will be created in you.