This caption reminded me that we should put our needs and wants last when we pray. There is a simple acronym, ACTS, to help us remember everything to pray for.
A-Adoration. We should praise God for who He is. That He is just and never changing.
C-Confession Recognize your sinful faults and nature and ask for forgiveness. 'Renew in me a steadfast heart.'
T-Thanksgiving Count your blessings. Be grateful for another day of life. Thank Him for the hills and the valleys of your journey.
S-Supplication Tell of both your needs and those of others. Be specific, expectant and submissive.
The Bible points out that our prayers are often ineffective because we don't pray under the right conditions. James 4;3 ''When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.''