Okay so you may still be thinking about yesterday's blog and wondering what to do to make things happen for the better in 2013. I think the top ten list caption above is a great foundational list to begin with.
'Doing right' is always the right move. Don't do it to impress or to get a gold star but because you know it's agreeable with God's purpose for you.
'Forgiving' is a grace giving move and benefits you more than them. How can we ask for what we aren't willing to give?
'Worry' robs you of today. The things we worry about most, never happen. God has it covered and under control so hand over those burdens.
'Judge not' for you will be measured by the same amount. ouch.. I try to remember 'hate the sin but love the sinner' because we all fall short.
'Stay true' because your beliefs will back your character more than anything. Don't be lukewarm but hot or cold.
'Pray' for the will of God in all things. Our plans are biased and short sighted. Let Him guide the way, even when we don't understand it in the hallways of life.
'Prioritize' the eternal destiny you have plans for. Don't get caught up in the worldly ways of life's pressures but make daily time for Him.
'God first' should be above all else. There is no one more giving, dependable, and trustworthy. God first, others second, and you third.
'Asking' is the first step to receiving. Don't give up because your past your own set timeline, it's all in His timing.
'Obedience' is what God wants from us. He gave us a guidebook to help us avoid the pitfalls out there but it is up to us to follow those commands.
So there is your to-do list for the days to come.....make it happen and you'll be happier and blessed for it.