Sometimes life feels like a roller coaster with ups and downs, twists and turns, dark tunnels and lighted paths. Do we get scared and anxious? Of course, we do. God is our safety belt that holds us even when we don't cling to Him like we should.
The first part of this caption is about how we draw nearer to God in the roughest times of our life. With praise, thanks, trust, and love, we can show with Who our reliance truly stands. We offer up our gratitude despite the circumstances.
The second part is about how God is our source and satisfier behind the scenes. Our hope in despair, our light when we are blind, our strength when we are depleted, and our comforter in distress. Our greatest comfort is knowing that God is in control.
Today as my church family prays for our sister in Christ, Sherry, we know that God is good at all times and we trust in His will.