Well if there is any two weeks of the year that I want to be on prednisone, then it is the two weeks surrounding Christmas. It literally changes my brain and body to eat more than I ever do...it's great. My aunt made me a chocolate pie and I've eaten all of it myself minus one piece I shared.
When my body is stressed by a cold, then my go to for relief is often the steroid, prednisone. Often people seek relief from stress with food, and likely desserts. YUM. Luckily I'm only under the weather occasionally or I'd be a brickhouse...lol.
Where do you turn for stress relief? Prayer can change your mind and body responses too. It opens us up to thoughts beyond our own. It can clear our pathways to direct us in a new light. Remember, the power of prayer never goes out.
Love that....the power of prayer never goes out. How perfect for the power outage recently. We are studying prayer in our Beth Moore bible study right now and all the results of prayerlessness. We miss out on blessings because we do not ask. As the Martins used to sing, "I don't want to miss a thang"!! Thank you, Lord, for the great privilege to bring our praises and prayers to the throne. Love you, Angie