Monday, October 15, 2012

The Child and the Path

     If you look at your own life's path, can you see how it has taught you things?  A mother of four recently told me her doctor once told her, 'let your child get hurt a little and they will learn to avoid doing that again.'  You can't catch every fall, nor are you supposed to.
     As this caption implies, we cannot put kids in a protective bubble from all the hurts of the world.  If you fight every battle for them, they'll never learn independence.  What you can do is equip them for the battles.
    How is that best done?  A godly example and teaching biblical principles.  Reading and explaining  the Proverbs is a good source of wisdom.  They say hindsight is 20/20 but how much clearer would decisions be made with foresighted wisdom.
    There are things that will jump into our paths unexpectedly but when we recognize that we never walk our paths alone, we are comforted with that knowledge.



  1. It's so true that the more we immerse ourselves in the wisdom of God, the more we apply that wisdom to our lives, the more we are able to cope with the battles in life. And the more we resist the wisdom of God, the more foolish we appear, and the more we trip and fall on the path we are assigned. Oh, to be wise! Thanks, Angie

  2. We strive hard to prevent our children from disappointments when they are small, wishing to take the pain away. However, it is best to let them experience pitfalls, especially then, as they will have much larger disappointments when they grow up. If they learn to trust in God for the little things, they will depend on Him to get them through the big things, too. James tells us to "consider it all joy WHEN we encounter various trials, not IF". If we teach them Godly priciples when they are young, then they will know that they indeed never do walk alone when things jump into their paths unexpectedly....because they will. Thank you, sweet you, T.

  3. It is really hard to let your kids "fail" or "fall" in order to make them stronger. I think maybe it's hard for God also to watch us go through tough learning experiences. I don't know - it's just a thought.

  4. Angie, I just love to read your food for thought everyday. It's like having a daily devotional. I love you very very much, and that's that!!!
    lou g.
