Thursday, October 18, 2012


     I can always tell when the litter box needs changed.  No, it doesn't take long before it overwhelms the room.  No one wants to linger in a stinky room.  Even my cats want a clean bathroom to go in.  Who can blame them, I want my bathroom clean too.
     Our minds should be as quick to discern what is right or not right to expose ourselves to.  False teaching should be like a bad smell to you as well.  Some preachers just do sermons on what sounds good or what they think people want to hear and avoid the subject of sin and repentance.
     The Holy Spirit is our discernment guide to a believer's conscience.  We get that feeling that this is wrong and it's up to us to follow that.  We must use the Word to confirm that we are in agreement with the direction God wants us to take.


  1. Pretty slick,two lessons learned, discernment and please if you have cats change their cat litter. I think I better go change the cat litter. Four cats and it can be messy even with two litter boxes. Discernment is acquired through a steady diet of Scriptural intake,whether it be reading it, listening to sermons or Christ centered music. Have to a have a humble heart too.

  2. Some friends and I were talking last night about how it's easier now to look like a "fanatic" for not doing certain things or watching certain things. But 40 years ago, my parents and grandparents would never have believed the things that are common place today. Christians need discernment more now than ever, I think. society doesn't provide a moral compass for sure.

  3. You've got to stand for something, or you'll fall for anything.....
    Best thing to stand on is His you, T.
