We've all had times where our patience has run out with a person or circumstance. The devilish side of us becomes more visible. True for you too? Okay well I'm going to share one of my stories on this topic.. yes, there's more than one to pick from, ha.
As I've told you before, I developed a blood clot in my leg in 1996. Well the doctor recommended putting a greenfield filter in my femoral vein to prevent any clots from breaking off and going to my heart or lungs in the future. I'm not allowed any sedation because it affects my breathing. They said it was a simple procedure and practically painless so I agreed to it. Well I don't know where they got this guy to do the procedure but it must have been from the School of Hard Knocks. It felt like he was stabbing me with that filter every chance he could as it went thru my vein. My patience was out the door and so was I if I had the strength to get off that table. I didn't but I had enough strength in my left arm to throw the pulse/oxygen monitor across the room. I was labeled uncooperative and sent back up to my room upstairs in the hospital. The doctor came to talk to me about the importance of completing this procedure. I insisted on some form of sedation before I'd agree to round 2. They gave me something that they give pregnant women so its real mild but worked. The filter got put in and I was loopy enough that all I cared about was where my nightgown was..lol. Seriously, I asked that about 5 times in 2 minute intervals.
There is a balance to be met between patience and strength. Some times it's best to walk away and remove yourself from the situation. Time to think can keep you and your devilish side out of trouble.
How funny! I just cannot imagine you doing this! Your patience must have been stretched to the max, and I can surely see why! There is nothing like hospitals to "do us in"! I have always heard, and you probably have to, that if you will slowly count to ten before "losing it", you will have time to calm down and think about what you are about to say or do. I need to count to 100!! When God handed out patience, He totally forgot my name and skipped me for sure! If there is one area I have worked for in my life, and still do, it is the area of patience. I tend not to pray for it too much, though, because I am afraid God will REALLY do a number on me!! Oh to keep my devilish side out of trouble....only by trusting more fully in Him can we do that! You hit the nail on the head one more time....at least for me! Love you, my friend...T.
ReplyDeleteMy mother had a similar experience many years ago at a teaching hospital - and our family physician, who was really a nice person, came in to her room and started talking to her about Corrie ten Boom and how she forgave the Nazis -it was that bad! And he was really hoping mom would forgive the specialist who had done everything wrong and caused her needless pain. I think the hospital staff was afraid we were going to sue! I admire you for everything you've gone through. I think I would have done more than knock a moniter over and I'm not sure you needed patience there - maybe just a better doctor? :)
ReplyDeleteWell, Angie, I learn things about you by reading this blog. I don't think you ever told me about them labeling you uncooperative and sending you back to your room. However, as you well know, and you have mentioned before, I can lose it too when I think you are hurting unnecessarily. I wouldn't really say you needed patience here as much as you needed HELP! STOP THE PAIN! Love, Mom
ReplyDeleteIt is okay to throw things to get peoples attention or to relieve stress as I have taught you that over the years, i remember throwing a hammer from the deck to the ditch because it was not working well, and by the time I retrieved it, the hammer had a better attitute. Dad
ReplyDeleteI love your dad's comment! Yes, since they can't hear you it is imperative that you have a way to "inform" them. I think you did a great job! Yes, the balance between patience and knowing when to say something is not easy, but the passage in James that says, "...be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry" is a helpful lesson. Somehow it doesn't surprise me that a gal with such gumption was willing to throw something to get attention to what was going on!