Okay before I begin this story, let me preface it by saying my professor wasn't terrible. I took Physics in high school so I wasn't too worried about taking it in my first semester in college. Well it was a whole new ball game at college level and some courses are to weed out the weak. Well my first physics test was humbling to say the least. My test score was 20, yes out of 100. ACK! How could one recover with a start like this? Well it was comforting to know that my score was the average for the whole class. The professor put his ego in his pocket and took part of the blame for the low scores. He retaught the material, retested us and we all got dramatically improved scores. I respected the teacher for doing this and took his class for physics 2 also.
Failure is a given in this life at times, even when we try. Should we give up at the first opportunity? No. It is our chance to learn and improve from our mistakes. I certainly had some classes that it would have been easier to drop and try something else but I never did. I'd rather have a hard earned C than an easy A, if it involved not quitting.
Don't give up when the waters get rough, just keep paddling thru it. ''Some thru the water, some thru the flood, some thru the fire but all thru the Blood. Some thru great sorrow but God gives a song, in the night season and all the day long.''
I love that song. I also started off with a low grade in a college class - economics - and hung in there. Learned a lot about perseverance and prayer! Made a good grade and kissed the ground when I got out of there! Even today, economics is not my thing!
ReplyDeleteI never learned how to spell fisics let alone take a course in it. That is like higher math, huh. All college courses were hard for me, a "C" was a good grade, and I struggled for most of them. But, I got thru and haven't been back. Dad
ReplyDeleteWhat a great message to all! I want my grandkids to read this, Angie. I think we all will benefit from the truth in this post. Winston Churchill once said, "Never, never give up!" And look where it got him!
ReplyDeleteLOVE the song! I am sure that most of our greatest leaders have only succeeded through failure....to keep on keeping on....to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and go at it again....to look at our mistakes and try a better way. Oh to be able to proclaim II Timothy 4:7..."I have fought the good fight. I have finished the course, I have kept the faith." James did not say "IF we have trials"...He said "WHEN we encounter various trials". I can relate to Cathie...economics was NOT my best college course...I knew it and the teacher knew it! But I persevered and ended up with a "C"....certainly not as well as I did in some of my favorite subjects...but I was elated with it! There is a lot to be said for stick-to-it-tive-ness! We learn a lot more than just the subject matter! Thank you for a GREAT post this morning. I am like Gloria...hope my grands can continue to learn the importance of not just winning (although that is something to strive for), but of staying in the game (an even better accomplishment). God rewards perseverance, for "in the future there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the rightous Judge, will award to me on that day; and not only to me, but also to all who have loved His appearing." Love you, dear Angie...T.
ReplyDeleteAngie.....your story brings back good memories.....yeah, I know, funny huh? I made a 36% on one of my physics tests but survived the course and had a blast: I had one of the most fun physics labs groups in the world....never really understood the material but boy it was fun to catapult things across the room while my lab partners made me laugh until I thought I would bust. And yes, the encouragement not to give up is as pertinent as ever. Thank you once again!
Well that was a great 2 for 1 this morning. Thanks for the encouragement. have a great day! Joel