We've all wanted a re-do over some things we've done. If only it was that easy but we'd probably make even more mistakes knowing we could take it back. This caption tells us of four things that can't be redone.
'The Stone' thrown can't be hurled back. Anger can make you want to throw something or give that slow car in front of you a lil push. The consequences of clean up can really bring on the regrets. ''Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. —Romans 12:19
'The Word' cannot fly back into your mouth, no matter how much you want to take it back. We often get so wrapped up in wanting to express our thoughts and opinions, that we forget to run it thru a filter first. James 1;19-20 ''My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.''
'The Occasion' can never be recaptured exactly the same way. I truly hate to miss out on events that I've planned on but sometimes its unavoidable. There are other times tho that I really didn't have the desire to go but went anyways, I later realize all the good things I would've missed. Hebrews 6:12 ''We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.''
'Time' is passing as we speak. If we cherished time like we should, we would live more in the moment. I told a friend of mine, who was so busy with her kids activities that she had very little time for herself, enjoy it because this time will never happen again. Psalm 89;47 ''Remember how fleeting is my life. For what futility you have created all humanity!''
Its important to remember these four things are quick to be done or passed by but they will not come back for a second chance.
Soooooo well said and so very very true.
ReplyDeleteAngie, I have loved this since I first heard it some time ago. I love your comments on it. I think of this when my friend and I are planning class reunions and so many who are close by choose not to attend. How sad! We will never have the same opportunity again for the same gathering. Life changes every day and we need to make the most of each moment. I cannot even comment on the "word"....so many times I have wished I could retract mine, but the damage has been done. Love your thoughts and your scripture references on all four "cannot be recovereds"....all so true!! Love you, Twylia
ReplyDeleteP.S. For some reason, I am able to post my own responses again...don't ask me how that happened!!
Somehow we so often seem to be on the same track! I just need to refer people over to your blog. What a wonderful word for us all today, Angie. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteOne of my girls, after being reprimanded for a week of bad attitudes and words that should have been left unspoken, cried and wished she could take it all back. What a good lesson for her (and her momma) to be reminded that once said or done, we can not take back those things.