Some things of the past are better left there and unspoken of again. They say time heals all wounds but I disagree. Forgiveness is the bandaid of all wounds.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Way Back Wednesday
Some things of the past are better left there and unspoken of again. They say time heals all wounds but I disagree. Forgiveness is the bandaid of all wounds.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
March Prayer Requests
(1) For Camille and Francis, who are learning to read and write Glaro. They are both having difficulty writing Glaro right now, but I’m not too concerned about it b/c they are in the very early stages of learning how to identify and write the tones of their mother tongue. Pray that they would be able to do this as the weeks progress. (We three and BK get together 2x/week --- Friday mornings and Sunday afternoons, for about an hour each time.)
1. Wisdom and courage as yet another church discipline (this time, here in Esbjerg) issue has come up that I am trying to deal with.
2. Endurance for Hansy these last two months of the pregnancy.
3. Evangelistic DVD outreach. We are looking at passing out a new DVD which presents the gospel of repentance and faith clearly to all the college students here in Esbjerg. (
We have begun some major remodeling and construction projects on the main camp buildings. They involve enlarging the women’s bathroom and eventually, adding 12 new family apartments for our large camps. We need to have these at least semi-completed before our next large family camp (the beginning of April). Please pray that the Lord would provide for us all the help we need to finish these projects on time.
Pray for the preparation of numerous Bible teachings for this Easter camp—so that the Lord would guide each one of the various teachers as they prepare, and that the result would be great growth and edification in the lives of the believers who attend the camp.
Please continue to pray for the new believers in our church. Pray that this would be a year of deep spiritual growth in their lives.
We have written in the past concerning Sara, who knows the Lord and attends the church with her 4 children. She and her family have suffered greatly because of the actions of her husband, Leonard. For the last 2 years, he has been very negative towards hearing the word of God or having any kind of relationship with us. Last Tuesday, however, I visited alone with him for several hours. I left him a couple of evangelistic movies to watch and am praying that God will humble his heart to hear the gospel. His wife let me know that he watched one of the movies very intently. Tomorrow I plan to have breakfast with Leonard and share the gospel with him. Pray with us that he will either start reading the Bible on his own or begin am evangelistic study with me. Romans 10:17 “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.”
Freddy and Eileen first heard about Christ through Florencio and Eusebia, who encouraged them to participate in a Bible study with us. Freddy and Eileen’s work schedules and activities have made it difficult for the study to be consistent. Pray with us that God will use His word to bring faith to their hearts. This last Friday we studied through the first half of John 1. Freddy appears somewhat skeptical but is listening; Eileen absorbing it all up like a sponge.
1. Rejoicing that a House of Hope prodigal son has come home. He left because he wanted to be “free” but he ended up becoming enslaved by vices. Last week he came by to beg for money for food. I told him that he should come back to live at the House of Hope. He said “yes” and is back. Please pray that Kitisak would fully surrender his life to the Lord!
2. Pray for Bobby and Namatha’s health as they get ready for their states side trip which begins on March 6. Pray for their health. The family has been battling flu like symptoms for a couple weeks already!
Praise for a God-honoring, very successful first attempt to hold a teenage winter retreat. We had prayed for snow and cold weather in order to do broom ball down on the lake and do to other winter activities. God answered as the snow was too deep to get down to the lake with a vehicle and it was so cold we couldn't walk them down as it was the coldest day of the year with temps hovering around 0 degrees. But the teaching of the Word, the godly counsel of excellent adult counselors and the fellowship around the 2 different blazing fireplaces was so precious. All but 2 of the girls in the bunkhouse responded overwhelmingly in testimonies to God working in them. The guys also had great response to the Word. Praise His Name!!
Most urgent request: the need to build the new dining hall is urgent as we could barely get the 32 campers and 12 counselor/speakers into our meeting room(certainly couldn't feed them on the patio as we do in the summer). Our summer camps are much larger so the need is pressing. We are just a little short of funds to begin. Also need volunteer cement finishers and much earth moving to lay the foundation.
Next request: volunteer college-age counselors and speakers for summer camps.
(1) For Camille and Francis, who are learning to read and write Glaro. They are both having difficulty writing Glaro right now, but I’m not too concerned about it b/c they are in the very early stages of learning how to identify and write the tones of their mother tongue. Pray that they would be able to do this as the weeks progress. (We three and BK get together 2x/week --- Friday mornings and Sunday afternoons, for about an hour each time.)
(2) For Claudine, who told me that she wants to learn how to read and write Glaro again (she was in the class in 2001, but said she’s forgotten everything she learned…). I’ve invited her to join us on Fridays and Sundays. Pray that she will. I’m hoping that if these three could become proficient in reading and writing Glaro that, in the future, I could pull them into my work of translation in some capacity, which would be a tremendous help to me.
Monday, February 27, 2012
When I am troubled and lost in deep dispair
I bundle all my troubles up and go to God in prayer.
I tell Him I am heartsick and lost and lonely too
That my mind is deeply burdened and I don't know what to do...
But I know He stilled the tempest and calmed the angry sea
And I humbly ask if in His love, He'll do the same for me.
I had a friend, Marge Nosek, who used to mail me little notes of encouragement. She is with the Lord now and free from all troubles. The other day I came across this 'Troubled' poem she had sent me and wanted to share it with each of you.
We have all felt overwhelmed by troubles in our lives at one time or another. I know Marge struggled with daily pain and loss of vision in the last years of her life. She sought comfort in her memorized verses or in someone reading scripture to her. Prayer was also a key element in her life. The first time I heard of a 'prayer warrior', it was in reference to her.
I don't know what you're personally struggling with.. sickness, heartbreak, lonliness or whatever the case may be...but God does. As the caption says, go to the Rock that is higher. The world often has a deaf ear but He is always listening. 'Oh the struggles that we often bear because we do not take it all to Him in prayer.' The line is always open, He is waiting for your call.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
I have two cats, Tux and Tiger. They are sisters from the same litter. A stray cat hid her newborn litter in our doghouse. One day we found them and I said 'oh I want one.' My dad said 'no, these are wild and not good as pets.' Okay, that answer seemed to satisfy me. Well the next day, I went out with my aide to put some food out. She caught Tux and put her in my lap. Tux fell asleep in my lap and my dad's theory went out the window. So they said I could have one. Well, I actually need two, lol, so they can play together. And the rest is history.
Tiger and Tux have completely different personalities. Tiger is like the big sister of the two, even tho they're the same age. Tiger is friendlier, easy going and more adventurous. We had a covered playpen in here, when they were kittens, for them to sleep in at night. Tiger crawled out all the time, Tux not once. Tux is partial to who she likes, a bully with the dog and a lil demanding. She loves to lay flat on her back, anywhere.
The caption above is what I think Tiger must say to Tux every morning. Tux is like a 9o'clock wakeup call that you didn't request, lol. She cries at the bottom of the stairs to be fed. If Tiger goes over to her to tell her to have a lil patience, she gets a bold HISS in the face.
So is this blog about getting up on the right side of the bed or patiently waiting for things or both? Of course, it's both. It's easy, I know, to get up with the attitude of 'I want what I want and right now' and when that doesn't happen, our mood goes sour. All I can say is take a deep breath, hold your horses and cool your engines. Tux has yet to starve and I bet you won't either.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
I go to a church where music lessons are offered at no charge. The talent over there is overwhelming to say the least. I go first in the recitals so I don't have to follow anyone, lol. I have taken hammer dulcimer lessons for a few years now. I don't consider myself to have a talent for it so I try to make up for it with effort. I enjoy it and I think it shows an example of working thru your limitations to others.
A woman at church, who is 95 this year, has a talent for sewing. She has shared that talent most of her life by making pillows and lap quilts for others. Age hasn't stopped her so what's stopping you?
We all have something to offer. I think we are often hindered when we compare ourselves to others. Would Celine Dion sound so special if we could all sing like her? Whatever your talent is, share it with others. You may have to branch out and try something new to find a hidden talent you never knew you had. I took a risk with this blog and as pitiful as it started, it has become my new favorite hobby. Things may take a little time to develop because most of us aren't born prodigys, we have to work at it.
Friday, February 24, 2012
I couldn't pass this caption up. I thought it was too funny.
Discernment is the act or process of exhibiting keen insight and good judgement. We need it in all areas of our life. We need to choose who is good in our lives and who are not. Some people are so naive/gullible and desperate for direction in their lives that they will latch on to whatever sounds good. Like TV evangelists that promise to send you a prayer cloth that will make all your troubles go away, if you send them 50 dollars. That cloth is as valuable as the kleenex I blow my nose on. The best things in life are free and that includes prayer.
Scamming people has become a popular crime lately by mail or email. A friend of mine had her email hacked to find out information and then was sent a phony email asking for money. It was sent as if it was from a friend but it turned out to be scammers in Nigeria. Another example is when my aunt received a check in the mail with instructions on how to send them money to get more. Luckily the bank teller thwarted that scheme.
From the 'Grace to you' website..........First Thessalonians 5:21-22 teaches that it is the responsibility of every Christian to be discerning: "But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good; abstain from every form of evil." The apostle John issues a similar warning when he says, "Do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world" (1 John 4:1).
We watched a dvd series this summer in bible study and paused it several times to contradict what the pastor was saying with scripture. Don't believe everything you hear, use discernment and check it with scripture.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Mercy is defined as compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm. A friend of mine once told me that after reading my blogs, she realized 'mercy' was not my spiritual gift. Really? Another friend has told me 'I'm glad I'm your friend because I wouldn't want to be your enemy.' This all makes me sound like the big bad wolf. I am forgiving, it just may take me a lil bit to get there. I've never been on jury duty and there may be reason for that, lol.
God's mercy is faithful and quicker but also just. God does have a point in which he will give people over to their evil ways. His grace and mercy are always available tho. Our hearts can be as hard and wicked as Pharoah's but His mercy remains.
May we all recognize our own failures when others fail or disappoint us and show mercy more often to them. I'm not saying it's going to be easy but it's going to be worth it. Don't be a doormat either, God has limits too.
Romans 1;28-32 '' Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.''
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Way Back Wednesday--Bull Shoals
Well I don't have a story to go with this picture and I don't have a picture for my story so I'm combining them on this blog. I was about 7 here and that's about the age that I was when we took a camping trip to Bull Shoals.
I'm not a big fan of camping but my parents like to go so we went alot while I was growing up. Back then, we had an orange and white striped camper that fit on the back of the truck. It was tiny. It had a stove/sink to the left, a table that folded into a bed on the right and a bed over the cab of the truck. That's it, a far cry from the RV now.
We went fishing during the trip, which I always loved. On this particular trip, we had fished all day and were headed back UP the shoals. Well the rocks weren't too kind to our motor. We'd go a little ways then a shearing pin in the motor would break. We drifted back down and try again. We had about 4 pins with us and everyone of them broke. At one point, they both got out of the boat and tried to walk the boat upstream. My mom who had her lifejacket on lost her grip and footing and floated off out of sight. So I'm in the boat alone and my dad, without a lifejacket, has a hold on the boat. If he had lost his grip, I would have been like Unsinkable Molly headed for trouble. He got in the boat and we found my mom clinging to a limb not too far away. So now what? My dad, who must be related to McGuyver, had a nail-like object that he turned into a pin. It was a last ditch effort. He had my mom and I get out of the boat and walk the brushy bank. 'What about snakes?' He said it was too cold for them and there wouldn't be any. So we walked and he made it across the shoals this time. It is still a vivid memory to me so I must have been scared out of my mind. Oh, and guess what was outside our camper door the next morning? Yes, a snake.
We only see a glimpse of God's protection over us but isn't that enough to make us tremble at the thought of being separated from Him?
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
What Have I Done?
I am looking at my computer right now just like this pug and thinking 'What have I done?' I hit a try something new button for my blog and I don't like it and now I don't know how to change it back. So I've spent the last hour, unsuccessfully, trying to fix it and relearning how to blog. Is that what the pug is going to try to do on his daily walk, try to undo the pizza fiasco?
Guilt can be a powerful force. It can be a good thing tho to show us our need of repentance. Forgiveness is there waiting for us. We just have to seek it and ask for it.
If I had a nickel for every time someone has agreed with me and not known what I said, I'd have a pretty sweet bank account. I've done it too so don't go all guilty on me. Just so you know, I usually know when you don't get what I've said. I often try to rephrase it and sometimes that works. It's better for both of us if you just ask me to say it again. I'm telling you here and now, it doesn't hurt my feelings or offend me. If we had a DVR's rewind button for life's conversations, I bet our buttons would be used quite often.
The Gospels of the Bible often tell of the same parables that Jesus spoke of. It not only is an accountable record of events written by different people but maybe God knew we needed it said more than once for us to get it. If we missed the parable of the mustard seed in Matthew, then maybe we'd understand it in Mark.
'What?' is a fair question so don't be afraid to use it. God knows whether we hear Him or not and it's a pretty good bet, He'll repeat it till you hear... loud and clear.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Already There
I found this poem on a friend's facebook page and thought it was good enough to share.
Isn't it comforting to know that God has already seen and planned for our future? We can look back on our past and verify this with all the accomodations that were made on our behalf. I had been on an old type of ventilator at night for 13 years when it stopped meeting my needs. I ended up in ICU for a week. My doctor offered a new, different type of machine but wasn't sure if it would be sufficient. God met my needs with this at just the right time. Other doctors in the past had told me this type of machine wasn't right for me but I think it just wasn't the right timing in God's plan for me. I need not worry because it's out of my control but under His.
When you're driving to Florida from Arkansas, do you worry about Alabama as you leave your driveway? No, you have a lot of ground to cover first. That's how believers should consider our journey of life. Know your destination but trust that God and His guidance will get you there. ''Some thru the waters, some thru the flood. Some thru the fire, but all thru the blood.''
Isn't it comforting to know that God has already seen and planned for our future? We can look back on our past and verify this with all the accomodations that were made on our behalf. I had been on an old type of ventilator at night for 13 years when it stopped meeting my needs. I ended up in ICU for a week. My doctor offered a new, different type of machine but wasn't sure if it would be sufficient. God met my needs with this at just the right time. Other doctors in the past had told me this type of machine wasn't right for me but I think it just wasn't the right timing in God's plan for me. I need not worry because it's out of my control but under His.
When you're driving to Florida from Arkansas, do you worry about Alabama as you leave your driveway? No, you have a lot of ground to cover first. That's how believers should consider our journey of life. Know your destination but trust that God and His guidance will get you there. ''Some thru the waters, some thru the flood. Some thru the fire, but all thru the blood.''
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Good Words
Who doesn't love a compliment? We all love flattering words that make us feel noticed. I wore my pink monogrammed jacket this morning to church. A friend asked me if the 'A' was for Awesome? I smiled and said yes. If we all know how good a compliment feels to us personally, and we do, then why isn't our speech filled with them? Your words can be the difference in somebody having a good day or a bad day. Compliments can also be good conversation starters. If you want to talk to someone but aren't sure what to say, start by telling them something you like about them.
Colossians 3:12 ''Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.''
Compliments are an act of random kindness, so go on out there and act on it.
''Kind words can warm for three winters, while harsh words can chill even in the heat of summer.''
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Have you ever been told 'you might feel a lil discomfort' before? Then when they did the procedure, you felt like yelling 'for crying out loud, THAT HURT.' I used to be extremely fearful of needles. If I had to give blood for some reason, I'd work myself up into a panic and be halfway to passing out before they even stuck me. It became such a habit, that I'd warn the nurse that if I didn't lay down then I'd pass out. When I got older, I had to check my blood every few days for awhile. I got over the fear of giving blood with that ordeal.
I'm still needle shy tho. I went in for my 2nd filling in my life at the dentist's office a couple of years ago. I noticed the dentist hiding something behind his back. Then I saw that HUGE needle. My tooth needed filled but my heart was more filled with fear than anything with the sight of that needle. I said, 'what are you planning on doing with THAT?' [I'm a pretty outspoken patient] He said it's just a lil numbing medicine. NUH-UH. I said 'no, I'm good without it.' I did do fine with it all and no needles. I hope he wrote that on my'no shots for her.'
Fear can be a good thing tho. It can keep us from danger and getting hurt. Psalm 111:10 ''The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise.'' God doesn't sugar-coat the pains of hell. He clearly warns us and it should stir up a fear in us of an eternal life separated from Him. Matthew 13:42 ''They will throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.''
Put fear in its proper place and you'll be eternally blessed.
Friday, February 17, 2012
What Was I Thinking?
Before I turned 40 last year, I told my doctor 'they say everything changes when you turn 40.' He said 'no, it's 60' because he was closing in on that age. I think something changed because this caption hits a little too close to home and a little more often now. Has your train gone off track more than you like to admit? They say to keep your mind healthy and alert, you should do word games or read or do anything thought provoking. I play scrabble everyday with friends online so would my mind turn to mush without that daily activity? I hope not.
Our thoughts can not only disappear on us but can become tainted. Yes, the mind can be both active and mush at the same time. Our thoughts can often turn into our words so we must try to keep them on a positive note and out of the gutter. Philippians 4:8 ''Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.''
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Would You?
These are lyrics to one of my favorite songs, ''Chasing Cars'' by Snow Patrol. I think its a song about feeling all alone and wanting just one person to care. It makes me think of alzheimer's patients and their loved one just lying next to them and holding them in their hospital bed. I don't know of such a display of love by man greater than this. We don't have to wait for a sick, bed-ridden moment to show someone that we can do without our routines and let go of the noise of the world for a while. How? A walk together without ipods, a day off from work and not working on any to-do list, prayer time together or whatever you can think of. Like the song title says, we are often just chasing cars in our lives with no quiet time. The world will not stop for you but you can stop your world from spinning out of control. Hit the pause button, every once in a while.
No matter whether you feel alone or not, you can take comfort that Jesus is right beside you. He is our Comforter and Counselor above all else. He cares more than anyone about you and the struggles you face.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Way Back Wednesday
Oh my goodness, I look so short in this picture. Look at that hair? Sometime shortly before this, I had a radical moment and chopped my hair off that had grown to the middle of my back. Actually, my Aunt Robbie did it for me and begged me not to do it.
I was about 13 here. This room was a dark room for developing film when we first moved here. It was attached to a tiny bathroom. The garage was attached to both and after a year or two?, it became my bedroom. So I was pretty thrilled to not only get my own bathroom for the first time but a jacuzzi too.
I am wearing my Girl Scout t-shirt that I got at camp a few years earlier. Camp Minnetonka, I think. It took me forever to outgrow clothes.. and still does.
I share these pictures of the past to show how good God has blessed me thru the years. I hope you can look back at your own pictures and count it all as blessings too.
I was about 13 here. This room was a dark room for developing film when we first moved here. It was attached to a tiny bathroom. The garage was attached to both and after a year or two?, it became my bedroom. So I was pretty thrilled to not only get my own bathroom for the first time but a jacuzzi too.
I am wearing my Girl Scout t-shirt that I got at camp a few years earlier. Camp Minnetonka, I think. It took me forever to outgrow clothes.. and still does.
I share these pictures of the past to show how good God has blessed me thru the years. I hope you can look back at your own pictures and count it all as blessings too.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
I love this picture. My friend, Betsy, gave me a puppy calendar for Christmas and this is one of the pictures from it. Friends are so valuable in our lives. They will listen to our never-ending, sad, pitiful me stories that no one else wants to hear. They will tag along with you for no reason just so you don't have to go somewhere alone. They will bring you your favorite snack when you're too sick to go out and get it yourself. They will pray for you whether you're on a hill or in a valley in your life. They will know if you say you are 'Fine!', that there's often more to the story. They will know what you're saying across a room with just a glance of the eyes.
King Solomon had written about the value of friends as well. In Ecclesiastes we read, “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up” (4:9-10).
Friends are like family, I can't live without them. We become to look alike too, don't you think?
Time Traveling Tuesday
In 1989, we went on a 7 day Carribean cruise. I think we flew to Puerto Rico and caught the ship there. It could have been one of the stops but I don't remember anything there but the airport. It's been a few years so my memory is a little faded.
We went to several islands but I'll start with Barbados. We went to Bluebeard's Castle. I think it was on the beach here that a suspicious guy came up to us trying to sell jewelry. We suspected he had drugs in the lower drawer of his jewelry box. We did buy a conch shell somewhere on the island. Good grief, it stunk in a few days. The lil animal inside had died. yuck.
Martinique was another island. I liked the shops here. They looked like storybook shops. French influence I suspect. Sunbathing here can be a lil shocking. The women go topless here..yes you read that right..on public beaches. I think this is the same island that our bus tour stopped at a nude beach. We didn't get off the bus. We saw more than we wanted from there, lol.
St. Thomas was the most American of all the islands. We tried to take a taxi or bus tour on each island to see the 'sites' in the few hours you're given by the ship to be on shore. We took a bus tour here. The driver got us up close to the iguanas in the trees as he dared to get as close to the edge of the cliff as possible.Eating, shopping and beach lounging were our main activities.
St. Marteen was another island. We went to this beach and needed some shade. We found this tree and couldn't believe no one was under it. Well, some people soon told us, it was a poisonous tree that dripped sap.
The cruise ship itself was nice but the room was the size of a matchbox with bunk beds. This picture of me was from one of the dress up dinner nights. It was fun and I may have gotten the islands mixed up but that's about all I remember because it was way back when.
We went to several islands but I'll start with Barbados. We went to Bluebeard's Castle. I think it was on the beach here that a suspicious guy came up to us trying to sell jewelry. We suspected he had drugs in the lower drawer of his jewelry box. We did buy a conch shell somewhere on the island. Good grief, it stunk in a few days. The lil animal inside had died. yuck.
Martinique was another island. I liked the shops here. They looked like storybook shops. French influence I suspect. Sunbathing here can be a lil shocking. The women go topless here..yes you read that right..on public beaches. I think this is the same island that our bus tour stopped at a nude beach. We didn't get off the bus. We saw more than we wanted from there, lol.
St. Thomas was the most American of all the islands. We tried to take a taxi or bus tour on each island to see the 'sites' in the few hours you're given by the ship to be on shore. We took a bus tour here. The driver got us up close to the iguanas in the trees as he dared to get as close to the edge of the cliff as possible.Eating, shopping and beach lounging were our main activities.
St. Marteen was another island. We went to this beach and needed some shade. We found this tree and couldn't believe no one was under it. Well, some people soon told us, it was a poisonous tree that dripped sap.
The cruise ship itself was nice but the room was the size of a matchbox with bunk beds. This picture of me was from one of the dress up dinner nights. It was fun and I may have gotten the islands mixed up but that's about all I remember because it was way back when.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Hot Topic
I'm going to talk about a hot topic with me but I'll try not to get too hot about it. We are all going to get sick from time to time but some of it's avoidable.
I don't understand why some people 'think' it's okay to expose others to their or their kid's feverish illness. Love thy neighbor as thyself does not mean make your neighbor feel as bad as you do. Nor does share the wealth include germs, viruses, or the flu. This is not just a self centered blog but other people miss work and/or have unexpected doctor bills they can't afford just because of the exposure. If you think that you're so important, that you can't miss church, school, work, or whatever...then I encourage you to take a moment to humble yourself.
For all those who do stay home when sick, I thank you and Lord willing, will see you next time.
I've lived most of my life in the South but a few years were in the North. If you watch the news today, you'll see how many people should not be behind the wheel in anything but sun or rain. I went from driving in Dallas to driving in Chicago and that will make you learn how to drive in bad winter weather quick.
3 pointers for driving in slick conditions. 1] Slow down. Give yourself extra time to get where you're going. A ditch is not a short cut. 2] Patience. Those other drivers are usually more of a danger than your own driving. Speeding around them because you lost your patience, could make you lose more control than you ever imagined. 3] Stay focused. People often rubber-neck or gaze off during regular driving conditions but your brakes aren't that fast when it's slick.
Snow is the same in the north and south. You don't have to freak out when driving in it, just take your time.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Now I know the real reason why our family has never been a fan of buffet It's an aging reminder. Besides the fact that the food has all been touched or sneezed on by everybody.
I love Maxine. I think she's wise yet sarcastic enough to tell you the truth like you've never heard it before. If you know who 'Walter' the puppet of Jeff Dunham is, I think they'd make the perfect couple. oops, I just checked, he's already married.
Aging is not easy. I think we do have to be able to not only laugh about it but to embrace it. I think the recent headlines of Demi Moore's struggles with getting older are sad for her. I think it shows a lost soul when all you have to cling to is the flesh. It's going to change, fade, die and return to dust so I think the soul should take priority.
Gray hair is from the trials God has brought you thru. Sagging is from all the years you been blessed with being exposed to gravity. Short term memory loss is so you can remember the old times even better.
They say 'only the good die young' but let's keep on aging gracefully and say 'only the best, outlast the rest.'
Friday, February 10, 2012
Which Road?
Roads take us to where we want to go but we have to be on the right one. Today many people have a GPS in their car to help keep them on the right road to their destination. My dad and I were in the van the other day with his new GPS. It was trying to guide us to a cupcake shop in Little Rock. Well even though I had never been there before, I had in my mind where it was and thought the GPS was wrong. So we went a different way, which ended up being the long, wrong
Some people say that all roads or paths of religion will get you to heaven. That couldn't be any more wrong. I've heard it explained this way... let's say you're at Verizon arena, just pick a road..any road, and follow it and eventually you'll get home. Seems pretty silly, doesn't it. Well, the only road to your eternal home is thru Jesus Christ. John 3;36 '' Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on them.''
Are you like Alice or do you know where you want to go? Doesn't it matter to you? You are going to need a spiritual GPS to guide you, it's called The Bible. Your mind may think it knows better but this GPS is never wrong. Start your journey today.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
The Frog and the Gator
My aunt in California sent me this picture to blog about. What do you see from the picture? I see three things that we could draw an analogy from. I usually stick to one topic but I'm going to go for three on this one.
First, it reminds me that we should choose our friends wisely. Not everyone you consider a friend has your best interest in mind. I think if this alligator really just wanted to give his frog friend a lift, then he could have done it with a closed mouth. I think the gator has a secret motive, 'lunch.' Psalm 10;7 ''Their mouths are full of lies and threats; trouble and evil are under their tongues.''
Secondly, it reminds me of how we don't know when the Lord will return or call us home and we need to always be ready. Matthew 24; 42-44 ''“Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.'' That frog has no idea how close he is to death and it can be over for him in an instant.
Thirdly, it reminds me that if you play with danger, you're going to get bit. The frog thinks he is just going to sneak a peak into the darkness of evil and yet he's not only risking his toes but his very life. Proverbs 22;3 ''The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.''
A picture speaks a thousand words but I'm not going to say or type that much. God does speak to us thru nature so does the picture say any more to you? I'd love to hear.
First, it reminds me that we should choose our friends wisely. Not everyone you consider a friend has your best interest in mind. I think if this alligator really just wanted to give his frog friend a lift, then he could have done it with a closed mouth. I think the gator has a secret motive, 'lunch.' Psalm 10;7 ''Their mouths are full of lies and threats; trouble and evil are under their tongues.''
Secondly, it reminds me of how we don't know when the Lord will return or call us home and we need to always be ready. Matthew 24; 42-44 ''“Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.'' That frog has no idea how close he is to death and it can be over for him in an instant.
Thirdly, it reminds me that if you play with danger, you're going to get bit. The frog thinks he is just going to sneak a peak into the darkness of evil and yet he's not only risking his toes but his very life. Proverbs 22;3 ''The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.''
A picture speaks a thousand words but I'm not going to say or type that much. God does speak to us thru nature so does the picture say any more to you? I'd love to hear.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Way Back Wednesday
The driveway |
Before the pool, driveway and sunroom |
Before the deck, carport and basement renovation |
View from the road before removing 60 trees |
The backyard |
This is where we moved to about 28 years ago. My dad's aunt and uncle lived across the street since he was a little boy. He dreamed of owning it one day and the dream came true on a 2nd try. My parents couldn't afford it the first time they made an offer so they waited a few years and tried again. I remember us looking at some other houses and this one just looked like alot of work. My 12 yr old eyes could not see the vision they had in mind. I did my share of blade work and trailer hauling with our riding lawnmower on these 2.5 acres. I'd say it all worked out after all.
Don't you think this is how God sees us? A tangled mess that needs alot of His work in our lives but yet with a vision of a beautiful ending. Of course, maintenance is required thru His word, prayer and our fellowship with other believers. Thankfully, He thinks we are worth the trouble too.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
C'mon Already
Well, you may think I blog about patience alot but it's something I know I need to get better at. I may seem patient but my thoughts have said everything these flowers are saying in the caption above. I think I was wired to be an independent person because it has never bothered me to do stuff alone. I actually enjoyed it. As my wiring has failed me, I've been forced to rely on other people. I don't know of a faster way to learn patience. If you adhere to the phrase 'if you want it done right, do it yourself' then you have a steep road ahead of you when, not if, you want help from others. Patience isn't always about waiting but also understanding your way of doing things is not always the only way.
Maybe an example would help me illustrate what I'm trying to say. Are you a navigator in the car but sitting in the passenger seat? You may know the quickest way from point A to point B, but when the driver takes the path of A -D- C- B, it takes patience to not say anything. I am a navigator in the car so if people ask me which way I want to go, I sometimes practice patience by saying 'either way, it doesn't matter.'
Patience, use it before you lose it.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Stress in a Good Way
My friend, Sherry, and I were recently talking about the huge diamond found at Murpheesboro a couple of weeks ago. It is worth 20,000 dollars and we both agreed if we had found it, then 'SOLD' would be our first thought.
According to a recent study in the journal Nature, they think the recipe for a diamond is as follows:
Bury carbon dioxide 100 miles into Earth. Heat to about 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit. Squeeze under pressure of 725,000 pounds per square inch. Quickly rush towards Earth’s surface to cool.
Have you ever felt like you were under that kind of pressure? We are under all kinds of pressure everyday in our lives in order to survive like atmospheric pressure, blood pressure, etc. Sometimes extra pressure can make us feel uncomfortable or change us. It can be a good thing if handled according to His will. God allows us to undergo the pressure of trials because He is transforming us into a precious diamond for His glory. We too are as filthy and dirty as charcoal but with Him in our lives, we too can become a shiny gem in His eyes.
So the next time your blood pressure is near stroke level and you're sweating bullets, then just cool it down quick. Realize whatever the stress is, that it is part of God's plan in making you into something better.
Have you ever felt like you were under that kind of pressure? We are under all kinds of pressure everyday in our lives in order to survive like atmospheric pressure, blood pressure, etc. Sometimes extra pressure can make us feel uncomfortable or change us. It can be a good thing if handled according to His will. God allows us to undergo the pressure of trials because He is transforming us into a precious diamond for His glory. We too are as filthy and dirty as charcoal but with Him in our lives, we too can become a shiny gem in His eyes.
So the next time your blood pressure is near stroke level and you're sweating bullets, then just cool it down quick. Realize whatever the stress is, that it is part of God's plan in making you into something better.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
I See....
How do you see yourself? Do you define yourself by your outer, physical appearance or by the inner you? I think how you think of yourself comes across in more ways than you realize. Our bodies are guaranteed to fail us and eventually die but our spirits don't have to. Some people who are 80 have more of a love for life and adventure than some at age 30. Don't you love to see older people like that?
I can relate to the woman in the caption. I want to do things I used to could do but am held back with the fraility of my body. I try not to let my spirit give in to that tho. I want to do all I can within my body's limitations. If it doesn't work out, at least I tried. I would still love to skydive but it's that landing that has held me back. If I'm ever in Gatlinburg, TN again, I'm going to check out the simulated version they have there.
I used to be pretty vain and spend hours in front of the mirror. Now I avoid mirrors because how I see myself without one is better in my mind. The mortal will one day become immortal so in those things only is there true beauty and fullfilment.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
That Was Mine
Have you ever went to the fridge with a craving for a certain thing and discovered somebody else ate it all? You probably said to yourself, 'hey I was gonna eat that.' Then nothing else looks good. There's just no substitute for what you really wanted.
I can't imagine being in a large family and being able to save anything for yourself to enjoy later. I bet whoever invented the idea of small, personal refrigerators came from a large
The caption of the cat above reminded me of an episode at work. We were priviledged to have a lunch room with a fridge, microwave and toaster oven. We all kept food in the fridge and respected each other's stuff as their own. I kept some breakfast sandwiches in the freezer. One morning, I went to get one and they were all gone. Come to find out, the janitorial night crew had helped themselves...aka theft. I think they got fired but I can't say for sure but I did change what I had for breakfast from then on.
If licking your food to call it yours doesn't quite agree with your idea of ettiquite, then I suggest a label maker. Or you can do what my 'only child' upbringing can't quite grasp and
Friday, February 3, 2012
Superbowl Appetite
How many of us are going to look like this during the Super Bowl on Sunday? I doubt you'll be chomping on carrots. According to KATV, the Super Bowl is 2nd only to Thanksgiving on largest consumption. According to USA Today, the average person will eat nearly 2,500 calories during the game in one sitting. Can I just stop and say 'Whoa, that's insane.'
You might consider how you felt the day after Thanksgiving when you're preparing your Superbowl snack menu. Sure food helps us enjoy the game more but if we are going to pig-out then put some healthy options on the buffet table. Did you know that more avocados are sold for Super Bowl Sunday than any other holiday throughout the year? Yes! Guacamole is a dip to consider along with the beloved cheese dip. Also chicken quesadillas might go over just as well as chicken wings.. and less messy. Popcorn is a healthy option to gorge yourself on instead of the Chex party mix. Just some healthy alternatives that could satisfy both your appetite and waist line.
Enjoy the game however you choose, it's just food for thought.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
What'd They Say?
I love this caption. I think it's hilarious! If you think about it after you read it and said, 'what?' then it's kind of an oxymoron statement. Vomit is gross but bees only spit out honey so that's a pretty sweet compliment.
Have you ever had someone say something to you and you're not sure if what they said to you was good or bad? A compliment or a slam? For example, ''Those jeans make you look slimmer.'' Well, do I look good or do they think I'm fat is what you might think later. I think women have a gift or downfall of reading in too much to what other people say. Don't get offended ladies, it's just my honest opinion because I've done it too. We can overthink a statement and twist it into something never intended.
All I'm trying to say is don't let yourself get caught up in semantics and dwelling on it till it changes form. If your first instinct is that a statement is good then take it as such.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Way Back Wednesday
Psalm 90:14
''Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.''
Okay this picture is proof that I have never been a morning person. I've barely got my eyes open. Photography should be illegal before noon, don't you think?
Morning, what does it mean to you? It's a new dawn, it's a new day. God has granted you another day of life with His great faithfulness. 'This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.'
Maybe it would be a good idea to think on that before we think about our busy agendas for the day. Start the day with an attitude of gratitude to the Lord, whether it be 5am [not me] or 9am.
''Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.''
Okay this picture is proof that I have never been a morning person. I've barely got my eyes open. Photography should be illegal before noon, don't you think?
Morning, what does it mean to you? It's a new dawn, it's a new day. God has granted you another day of life with His great faithfulness. 'This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.'
Maybe it would be a good idea to think on that before we think about our busy agendas for the day. Start the day with an attitude of gratitude to the Lord, whether it be 5am [not me] or 9am.
FBF Prayer Requests for February
Martin and Hansy Tuohy
-- Please pray that I would have the wisdom needed to deal with a serious church discipline issue on the Faroe Islands that I have been dealing with since Christmas. Sadly, the elders up there don't seem inclined to want to do much about it!
--Pregnancy is going well and we are excited to meet the little boy in about 3 months. Please pray for endurance and wisdom for Hansy as she goes about being a stay at home mom in this feminist society.
Lesley Wolfe
Ted and Priscilla Clark
Denny and Arlene Norris
Bobby and Namatha Avilez
Phillip and Sandra Prime
Please continue to pray for Jesús and Angeles. A few days ago they captured most of the men who were involved in the kidnapping. Pray that the Lord would work in the lives of their kids, especially Ismael.
Pray for our 2 upcoming evangelistic outreaches: Friday the 10th we will return to the hospital to do our monthly outreach and Sunday evening the 12th we have our Valentine's evangelistic outreach. We are showing an evangelistic movie (Late One Night) and serving a spaghetti dinner with all the trimmings.
Monica Sernatinger
Martin and Hansy Tuohy
-- Please pray that I would have the wisdom needed to deal with a serious church discipline issue on the Faroe Islands that I have been dealing with since Christmas. Sadly, the elders up there don't seem inclined to want to do much about it!
--Pregnancy is going well and we are excited to meet the little boy in about 3 months. Please pray for endurance and wisdom for Hansy as she goes about being a stay at home mom in this feminist society.
Lesley Wolfe
The translation check of 20 chapters in Genesis and 4 in Exodus. We’ll begin Monday, Jan 30th and finish up on Friday or Saturday (Feb 3rd or 4th).
a. Pray for Kwia, as he listens for the first time in his life to these chapters, and then answers questions concerning them from my consultant, Paul Cheshire.
b. Pray for BK as he hears once again these chapters --- we’ll be finishing up the story of Joseph, then will be going through Genesis 1-11, and some other chapters (i.e., the story of Abraham and Isaac), and then Exodus 1-4.
c. Pray for Paul as he checks the translation of these chapters.
d. Pray for us all ---- our time together working and eating and just hanging out together at night. That our times together would be profitable and enjoyable!!
Ted and Priscilla Clark
Please continue to pray with us for the political situation in Mexico. Pray for wisdom and power to be given to the government forces working to restore law and order in the country. Pray for a complete cleansing from corruption in their midst, for a spiritual revival among them, and for a zeal for justice and truth. Pray for the Lord to quickly bring down the forces of evil, which have become so powerful in Mexico. Pray for the Lord’s hand of protection on us, and on the many Christian workers throughout the country.
Pray for the numerous people who attend our church regularly, and perhaps think they are believers, but have not trusted Christ yet. Pray for the work of God’s Spirit in their hearts, convincing them of their sin and bringing them to trust in Him alone for salvation. Pray for the many Bible studies being carried out each week with unbelievers. Pray for the light of salvation to enter each of these homes.
Denny and Arlene Norris
1. We are grateful to the Lord for this last weekend where our church attended a conference/camp in Brookings, Oregon with several other Spanish speaking churches. The word was taught and there were great challenges regarding holiness, the gospel, and wisdom regarding how to raise children. Several unbelievers attended with us. We ask you to pray for the salvation of two Mexican men who attended...Art and Mitchel.
2. On Wednesday evenings we are studying what God has to say about marriage and the family. Pray that God would use this time to build strong families in our church. After the study we all (children & parents) go to the gym to play indoor soccer. We ask that you pray for Obadiah and Rebecca's rebellious 14 year old son (Alejandro). Obadiah came to Christ over a year ago; he is really growing and wants to honor the Lord. His wife Rebecca (who has know the Lord for a longer period of time) also has a strong desire to obey the Lord. Besides their 14 year old son Alejandro, they have 2 other younger children.
3. We also ask you to pray for Fernando & Erica... who are receiving an evangelistic study in their home. Their work schedules and activities have made it difficult for the study to be constant. Pray with us that God will use His word to bring faith to their hearts.
4. Pray that God will raise up elder-quality men from among the body. There are 4 men who desire to grow; they are all faithfully reading and study God's word and are also involved in serving the church on Sundays. We are studying the book of I Timothy on Wednesday mornings as well as the book of Romans on Sunday evenings.
Bobby and Namatha Avilez
1. Pray that disgruntled former staff or students would gather to pray for us rather than to light fires of untruths about us. Pray that the hearers of the gossip would ask for clarifications, rather than run with it!
2. Pray for Kent and Ramy, our new staffers from India, as they prepare to take over the House of Hope leadership during Bobby and Namatha’s trip back to the States and Belize
Phillip and Sandra Prime
Please continue to pray for Jesús and Angeles. A few days ago they captured most of the men who were involved in the kidnapping. Pray that the Lord would work in the lives of their kids, especially Ismael.
Pray for our 2 upcoming evangelistic outreaches: Friday the 10th we will return to the hospital to do our monthly outreach and Sunday evening the 12th we have our Valentine's evangelistic outreach. We are showing an evangelistic movie (Late One Night) and serving a spaghetti dinner with all the trimmings.
Monica Sernatinger
1. Please, continue to pray that the Lord would provide a missionary family to come and continue with the church planting ministry here in Puruándiro. As a church we need shepherding and boldly reaching out to others. May the Lord continue to prepare the men for eldership.
2. We recently found out that Coral had been lying to us and never broke her engagement. Please, pray for her repentance. She plans to get married in March.
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