The following are prayer requests from FBF missionaries. Please join me in praying for them.
Lesley Wolfe
--- Introducing Guy and Keyla Burkhead, who are seriously considering joining
the Glaro team! They will be finishing their training with New Tribes
Mission in December, and after a year of deputation will be ready to head to
'the field'. Of course, the Speitelsbachs and I are praying that they will
join our team and work with Aaron and Amy in Freetown, Liberia. Please join
us in praying for God's clear direction in Guy and Keyla's lives.
---My current co-workers, Aaron and Amy Speitelsbach, will be returning to
Liberia on November 13th. After a brief time in Monrovia, they will make
the 20-hour trip to the Glaro village of Freetown, in southeastern Liberia,
where they will settle in once again to village life and then get back to
the task of studying the Glaro language and culture.
--- I hope to be back in the village by Thanksgiving day, and once the solar
panels have been replaced on the roof of my office and my power producing
gadgets are all hooked up, I'll be back to translating, focusing on the book of
Matthew these next few months.
---The village chief in Beoue died in mid-September and a new chief has yet to be
appointed by the Glaro elders from among themselves. Please pray that God
will direct their choosing of the new village chief, and that he will desire
to do good for the village and all of us living there.
Phillip Prime and Family
Please pray that the Lord would use The Way of the Master evangelism course to help our church better share Christ and have a renewed compassion for the lost.
Please pray for the salvation of Juan and Karina. They live across the street from where our church meets on Sundays and have shown an interest in spiritual things.
Lord willing we will be heading to family camp in a few weeks with the bookmobile. We would like to praise the Lord for His provision of new tires for the Bookmobile!
Martin Tuohy and Family
1. Continue to wait on the Lord for peace and clarity as to if He wants us to serve in Puruandiro, MX or stay in Denmark.
2. Wisdom and discipline to take full advantage of the current ministry here while we wait. Teaching and evangelism.
Bobby and Namatha Avilez
1. Pray for adjustment to culture and language for new staff, The Kents, as they settle into their new ministry roles!
2. Pray for a great start to the second semester
Ted and Priscilla Clark
We really need prayer at this time for wisdom in planning our upcoming Christmas outreach. It is always a huge undertaking, but we continue to feel that it is worthwhile, as we have seen the Lord working through this event throughout the years. How we need the Lord’s thoughts to put together a program that would glorify Him, present His message as clearly as possible, and be a delight for the listeners at the same time as it is used to convict them of their sin and need for Christ.
We will be hosting our very large Family camp, followed by our large missionary gathering for Thanksgiving. Please pray for the Lord’s merciful protection over many who will be traveling in for these occasions. A couple of families will be traveling 10 hours or so from Northern Mexico, and many families from surrounding cities.We are so grateful for the wonderful speakers the Lord has provided for this camp. Pray for great wisdom for them in presenting these truths from Scripture, which could make all the difference for these families. Pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to accompany the teachings and reception in the hearts of the people.