Thursday, August 5, 2021

Appearance and The Truth of It

 1 Samuel 16:7

" The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

           The world is so quick to judge a book by it's cover or people by what they see.  "In ways we cannot understand, we reflect His own beauty. God places some value on appearances; if He did not, we would all look the same. It is not a wrong thing for us to notice and appreciate physical appearance as well."

            "Our outward appearance should not be our focus. If the reason we try to be the perfect weight, wear the best clothes, have facial treatments, etc., is to impress other people, then our physical appearance has become a matter of pride. We should be humbly aware of our appearance rather than acting to conform to the world’s standards. We must watch out for anything that draws us away from God, including the too-often extreme emphasis the world places on appearances.  God has shown us His own amazing power and beauty and love in an incredibly diverse creation. We should be humble, not committing idolatry in worshiping the creation rather than the Creator."  []

            As a teenager, I was a girly girl.  My focus was on both an inner and outer beauty of myself.  I didn't want to be in the popular crowd of girls who were pretty in the mirror, but were obviously ugly in their speech and attitude.  I am grateful that God looks at my heart because while it's not perfect, it is a caring and thoughtful one.  I know love because Jesus loved me first and I've seen it through Him.

            Oh, I spent plenty of time in front of the mirror growing up.  Blue eye shadow was my signature shade.  Straight hair with feathered bangs transformed into permed hair with perfectly teased bangs.  My obsession with the latest in-style jeans, usually Guess brand for me, was my mom's battle back then.  

            Matthew 23:12 ""For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted."   When I got married, my beauty needs got humbled along with my bank account.  I was suddenly grateful for all the stuff I got at Walmart and The Dollar Store.  

            As I've gotten older, humility has come more from knowing who I am and whose I am than anything else.  My small size has been judged by people, as a person who needs a child's menu or no menu at all.  My wheelchair bound self has been judged as one who's never walked or been educated or had a life.  People think they are better than me just because of their current abilities, that I have lost.  Not knowing isn't better, but just ignorance.

          A mirage is an example of seeing and believing in something that's not true.  Don't make your vision of others like a mirage, find out the truth about them in whatever shape or form you see them in. 💚


  1. Excellent; very well stated truths that we should all understand. We are all a work in progress. I pray God will continue to mold me into what He wants me to be.


  2. Bonnie D.
    Beautiful article Angie. I could have written that last paragraph for Clay. He experiences the same thing. People can't believe he used to play baseball, went diving , played the piano, bowled on a children's league and loved playing miniature golf. I say to them, yes, he was a normal child just like you until age 12 when cancer attacked his spinal cord.

    I get tired of them asking me" What does he want to eat? or How does he want his haircut?" I say, ask him. It embarrasses him when I do that but, they need to look at him as a person too.

  3. I am so grateful for who you are ---- a child of God, I know that you are heaven bound, what more could a parent want than knowing you will be in a heavenly body for eternity. Love you Dad.

  4. I am so grateful for who you are ---- a child of God, heaven bound. You will have a heavenly body and many treasures for eternity. What more could a parent want. Love you Dad
