Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Way Back Wednesday---Golden Retrievers

     When I was a teenager, my idea to earn money was to raise golden retriever puppies.  So one Christmas morning I got a puppy that I named Wendy.  She kept my parents up most of that Christmas eve night.  She was a very good dog and turned out to be a great mother. She loved to be petted more than anything.  We later got another female, Misha, who wasn't a very loving mother so Wendy took care of those puppies too.
The puppy business worked out pretty well for me.  My parents did most of the work and I did most of the loving of  Wendy and the pups, then I got the loot after they were sold.  Even though we found good homes for the puppies, I hated and avoided the times when they left.
      Wendy passed away at an old age for dogs in June of 2001 right before I came back in August.  God's timing is always right and it made it easier on me to be far away. 





1.        In our most recent update we asked you to pray for  Leonard, the husband of Sara.  We are grateful that he has been studying the Bible with me now for 2 months.  Two weeks ago, he had a birthday and his “friends” invited him to have a drink after work.  Since that time, he has been coming home late from work.  While we missed one week of Bible study, we are back on track.  But I sense that he is now struggling more to understand the gospel.  (We are currently doing a study in the gospel of John.)  Please pray that Leonard would be released from the dominion of Satan and be transferred to the kingdom of God’s Son (Acts 26:18; Col 1:13).  Sara and her 4 children had been encouraged to see him receive a bible study, but these last weeks daunted some of their hope.  Pray for them that God would give them encouragement and a good testimony with Leonard.

2.        Please continue to pray for the Jr. High and High-school Youth.    We now meet each Thursday morning before school at a Bagel & Coffee shop.  They are memorizing Scripture and we are studying the book of John.  Sometimes we can barely get to the Bible study because they have so many questions.  Pray that God will give them:  (1) a desire to live holy lives;  (2) that they would not being conformed to this world; and (3), that they would be faithfully reading God’s word (Rom. 12:1-2; I Pet 2:2).  These kids all go to public schools where they are surrounded by immorality and bombarded by worldly philosophy.   Some of them do not have the support of Christian parents and others have parents that are new in the faith. 

3.       We have 3 events coming up in our church where we will have the opportunity to give the gospel to unbelievers.  Please pray with us concerning the following events:  (1)  May 9, wedding of Misael & Reina;  (2)  June 9,  Sand Castle Weekend in Cannon Beach.  Our church will be entering the Sand Sculpturing event, passing out tracts, etc.;  and  (3),  June 29-30,  Evidence for  Creation Conference with Steve Hudgik (I’ll be translating into Spanish).


You may remember, many years ago, we asked prayer for doña Mari, an older woman in our village who is very hardened
and closed to the truth. She has threatened and prohibited her many grown children living nearby, from having anything to do
with us (spiritually).  In spite of this, one daughter, Josefina, has been listening and opening up more and more throughout the years. She attends
church quite frequently now, and we believe that she and one of her sons, Quico, have trusted Christ for salvation. She
recently asked prayer for her mother, who is discouraged and not feeling well. She has become a confirmed alcoholic. Pray
that the Lord would give us wisdom to reach out to her, and that the Holy Spirit would be at work in her heart, convicting her
of sin and pointing her to the Savior.

We also need prayer for the Lord’s wisdom and guidance as we have begun work on some major changes to the camp
 facilities, and are contemplating other big projects as well.  Our goal is to accommodate more people for the family
camps, as the current facilities cannot easily handle the 400 plus people who are eagerly signing up for these
camps. (This, in spite of the fact that around half of them stay in tents on the camp property!) We hate to turn
people away, but have been obligated to do so, several times, due to lack of space. This year, the Lord allowed
 us to expand the women’s bathroom in time for the Easter camp. The 4 toilets were increased to 10. We hope to
have four additional showers done by the next camp. Thank you for your prayers for us,
as we proceed with these projects in the coming months.


1. Hansy is fighting a painful breast infection. Please pray she'll be able to nurse Markus successfully.
2. Our Mexican sister, Yuri, is traveling to Denmark today to help us out with the children for 7 weeks! Please pray for a spiritually fruitful time while she is here.
1. Javier and his wife Josefina came to us by accident...his. A little more than 3 months ago he was struck by a car while crossing the road  and ended up in the emergency room. Josefina was desperate and looking for spiritual help when she began to talk to a Gudelia, who goes to our church and whose daughter-in-law was also in the emergency room. She took down the directions and ended up in our church the next Sunday morning. I began studying with them and it appears that they have come to faith in Christ. The prayer request has to do with the surgery on his fractured leg; it appears that they did a poor job setting it with the rod and screws (all exterior). He needs a second surgery but can't get anyone in the hospital where they have their insurance to do it. The bar and screws have been there for 3 1/2 months and counting. Pray that the Lord would use this injury for His glory and their good and that soon he could get the necessary/proper attention.

2. This Saturday evening the youth will be in our home for Bible study. We have also invited Chava and Nancy Vera and their 3 kids from Puruandiro to spend the weekend with us for fellowship and encouragement. Pray for Chava as he will share his testimony with the youth on Saturday and bring the message to our church on Sunday.