Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Good Advice

    Isn't this the cutest?  This is one of my Christmas gifts from my friend, Betsy.  I've never thought of myself as Lucy till now, but there is a bond in more ways than one.
    There is a difference between advice and opinion.  Sure I give both, but hopefully my advice is 'good' and of benefit.  Advice should come from experience and lessons learned.  I think women of any age should have older girlfriends in their life to seek advice and younger girlfriends to help keep you in a youthful spirit. I have both in my own life and I reap the benefits. Friends are a kind of therapy, in that you can feel free to share both your joys and sorrows, struggles and triumphs, and woes and wows in a safe place.
     I am blessed by my friendship with Betsy.  She is a wonderful example to me of patience, love to others, generosity, and kindness.


  1. That really is cute... You ought to consider doing a blog with a pic of all your decorations. It just feels like Christmas to walk into your room. And you do have good advice to give as well as hilarious opinions. I love your sense of humor!

  2. Proverbs 18:24 says, "A man who has friends must show himself friendly, and there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." I am so grateful for the way that God has used you to show yourself a friend to others. Many have profited in many ways by your friendship, Angie. I always know that when I need a friend whose shoulder I can cry on, or whose humor I can rely on, all I have to do is turn to you. I thank God for you! And I love Betsy's gift to you. Good work, Betsy!

  3. A couple of years ago, one of my long-distance friends gave me a notepad that stated, "Thank God for Girlfriends!" What a true statement. As I have gone through this life, so many times it has been my girlfriends who have come to my laugh with me, to console me, to cry with me, to encourage me, to make it through the rough times with me. Can't imagine what I would do without them. You are certainly included in that group, my sweet Angie. I thank my God upon every remembrance of you! Love you dearly, T.

  4. Angie.
    I know you said you just love this little gift from Betsy. It is so true and you are wise beyond your years on many things. You are a deep thinker and when you give advice you have thought about it before you give it. I am so proud of you and your God given wisdom. Mom

  5. I love that little Lucy. I call the walks September and I take my therapy. It has much more to do with time with a friend than it does the exercise.
