Thursday, February 7, 2013


     Oh yes, that has been me on many occasions.  Even with the inability to drive now, I can be just as impatient from the passenger seat. Come on already, geez!!  I am a clock watcher and slow drivers are a common interference with that aspect of me.  I think driving under the speed limit is as bad or usually worse than driving over it.  Can I get an Amen?
     Do you know what the source of most of our stress comes from?  Ourselves.  Yes, it's a bitter pill to swallow but it's true.  The things that get under our skin may not even be a factor with others.  It can be odd when you're about to go postal and the person with you is as cool as a cucumber.  Don't they realize the urgency of the situation?
     Our priorities can help us put stress in its place.  Ask yourself, 'is this really worth getting all worked up over?'  Pick a phrase to embrace, 'love one another' or 'forgive them for they know not what they do' when your patience, over someone's actions, has reached its limit.


  1. This SO reminds me of Jama and me.....the patient one and the impatient one! I remember going to Zach Dennis' wedding in Fort Smith a few years ago, and I missed a turn on the interstate....therefore, making us run late even though we had left Bentonville in plenty of time to get there. I was stressing to the max, and Jama was as cool as a cucumber. I asked her how she could be so calm...she said, "Well, mom, I have four kids, I married a Godbee, and we are not IN the really doesn't matter if we are late." That is not the only time she has calmed me down!! I am like you, Angie....I get just as upset over those slow drivers as I do over the fast ones! Lord, grant me patience, and please grant it NOW!! I'm trying, friend, I really am. Love you, T.

  2. I should have read this earlier in the day...

  3. You are meddling again. Dad

  4. Married a Godbee, huh? What, this cool and sedate family? You're kidding, right? Well, maybe.....

  5. Amen I can get road rage in 2 seconds flat. Now I know what to say, forgive them Lord for they know not what they do. But I would like to teach some of them. Robbie
