Sunday, August 28, 2011

10 Years Ago Today

     It was August 28, 2001.  This was the day I moved back home with my parents and 'thought' my life was over. In the 3 months before, I had lost everything that I 'thought' defined who I was. Husband, my dog, my job, house, friends and independence. I was angry with just about every thing and everyone, you might say even the birds chirped too loud. I 'thought' I didn't want to make any new friends. I 'thought' isolation was going to keep me emotionally unattached. I stayed in this state of mind for quite awhile.
     As the sun sets, it surely will also rise. It may seem like forever but it will. I made a friend, Charlene, in home fellowship who has stuck by me like glue over the ten years. I'd be insane by now without her. 'Sorrow may last for the night but joy comes in the morning.' Some morning, maybe not the next day.
     My 'thoughts' were pretty bleak. If I'd only known what God had planned. My trust became stronger with time. If you think you're at a dead end road, refocus, and it could just be an intersection. It's your choice, the direction you choose. I recommend God's chosen path for you.  I didn't know if I could handle this change of season in my life but I did. It's all good now, God is patient.


  1. Angie, I hate what you have had to go through, but I love the woman that you have allowed God to make you into. As I've said before, you are my role model. Not you, but what you have allowed God to make of you as you have yielded yourself to Him. I thank God for you!

  2. You are my role model, too!!! And I am so glad we have become "soul sisters". I LOVE everything you write....on FB and on your blog and I LOVE being with you. I love everything we have in common, including some of our favorite things! And I love that you are my sister in Christ and we will spend eternity together! I love that God gives us exactly what (and who) we need when we need it (them). And I am so thankful for YOU and the inspiration you are to so many people...some you don't even know!!
    Love you, Angie!

  3. I am thankful to have girlfriends like you both to encourage and pray for me every day. I am blessed, my cup overfloweth. Love you.

  4. Great Post, Angie! Glad to hear a little more of your past and story. Love you! P.S. Thanks for changing the options so that i can post now :-) P.S.S. Charlene is the BEST example of a true! Betsy!

  5. I'm so thankful God brought Charlene into your life, too! My life would be missing something if you were not one of my thankful that the Lord brought you through that dark time and taught you to trust Him.
