Wednesday, March 20, 2013

It's a God Thing

    I wanted to follow-up last week's blog about switching to my mask air machine with a little more on how it has helped me.  'It's a God thing' that I am able to use my machine in the car, shopping in Canton, concerts, etc.  It allows me to enjoy events without even thinking about being short of breath, like most of you. The portability of it allows me a much broader range to venture out. I can save my energy for what I want to do, rather than use it all up getting there.  It refuels my oxygen level and gives me more energy.  It's a comforting thought to know it is near by when I need a boost.  It's kind of like when football players use oxygen on the sidelines to recharge for the next play, but mine is just regular air not oxygen.
    It is also like Jesus always being near to us but we have to turn to Him.  He can also refuel us, comfort us and give us strength to carry on.