Friday, October 12, 2012

Accepting Others


     Is it part of human nature to surround ourselves with people just like us?  I think we often shy away from those that we consider 'different.'  I saw a headline for a news story the other day, 'What's the right thing to say to the disabled.'  Really?  Treating people based on what you see differently rather than just as another human being is the source of the problem.
     You may be different as the new kid in school or new in the workplace, therefore it kind of puts a target on your back to prove yourself as worthy to get to know.  It's not fair but that is how the world works.
     God doesn't show favoritism.  Rich or poor, high class or low class, well dressed or rags.  God considers our hearts for Him as the valuable part of us.  May we too not judge by appearance but check out the heart of a person first.
James 2:1 ''My brothers and sisters, believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ must not show favoritism.''
Romans 2:11 ''For God does not show favoritism.''
Galatians 2:6  ''As for those who were held in high esteem—whatever they were makes no difference to me; God does not show favoritism—they added nothing to my message.''

Adding all of the part of James 2 that I'm drawing from after seeing the first clarify..
''My brothers and sisters, believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ must not show favoritism.  Suppose a man comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and fine clothes, and a poor man in filthy old clothes also comes in. If you show special attention to the man wearing fine clothes and say, “Here’s a good seat for you,” but say to the poor man, “You stand there” or “Sit on the floor by my feet,”  have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?''


  1. I may be reading more into this blog than you intended, however I cannot go along with the movement we have today of acceptance and tolerance. There are some people who have different beliefs, and standards of living that are just wrong to me. For example -- lazy people, gays, atheist and muslims. Dad

  2. Somehow I didn't get what your dad did out of what you wrote, but yes, there are those whom we cannot fellowship with because of their lifestyle or heretical beliefs. Therein, however, lies the opportunity for a bold witness.

    My thought when I read the post was, "Man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks on the heart." Therefore we should, as well.

  3. I love the book of James. God really doesn't see us based on our income or our possessions, our abilities or our limitations. And really, in His eyes, what we might see as a limitation may be a strength in His. If that makes sense. He chooses the poor of this world to be rich in faith and our weakness He uses as a showcase for His strength.

  4. Hi, Angie! It seems to me that you are listening and applying our study in James. I couldn't have said it better myself.

    Love ya, grace

  5. Angie, What a great message. May I never show favoritism or shy away from those who have a disability. I know this has been really tough on you. I love you and respect you. Your vocal cords may be weak, but your voice is strong in your messages to those of us that read your blog. Aunt Robbie

  6. I believe God desires for us to be a witness to all people....good, bad, rich, poor, handicapped, not handicapped (we are all handicapped in one way or another!!),like us, not like us, etc., etc. That does not mean we have to socialize with them or include them in our daily lives. It means we need to live out our lives with Godly principles and set an example for others to follow. He called us to be bold witnesses (as Gloria said) and fishers of men (not some men). What blessings we often miss by not reaching out to those who are "different" from us. We need to be discerning, as best we can, and then pray for God's wisdom and protection as we do our best to be an outreach to others. Like you have said before, "We may be the only Bible some people will ever read." Love you, my friend....T.
