Saturday, April 20, 2013
"I believe that one reason why the church of God at this present moment has so little influence over the world is because THE WORLD HAS SO MUCH INFLUENCE OVER THE CHURCH." ~ Charles Spurgeon
I think Spurgeon hit the nail on the head with that quote. So many are more concerned with what our culture says is okay than what is Biblically correct. We excuse bad behavior as just being a free spirit or that's just how things are these days. No.. it's lack of teaching right from wrong and having proper expectations.
The devil uses his influence best in areas where we are lukewarm. We need to be bold and stand firm in our beliefs. Politicians and the subject of gay marriage are a prime example of the sway in beliefs. It is politically correct to be for it but there is no doubt it is Biblically incorrect. 'For what shall a man profit, if he gains the world but loses his soul?' Mark 8;36
Are you a light to others in this dark world? Do you hide behind the curtain on sensitive topics? It's important to be a guiding light and not a blaze burner. We want to be contagious but not in a way that makes others avoid you and your 'soap box'. Use your influence to build others up in Christ so they may see the world differently and not as their home.